Well, my fellow Americans, it's Independance Day!:D Have a good time, enjoy the fireworks, eat some food, make your own firecrakers, or do whatever you do today!
231 years and still running!8)
Well, my fellow Americans, it's Independance Day!:D Have a good time, enjoy the fireworks, eat some food, make your own firecrakers, or do whatever you do today!
231 years and still running!8)
I changed my avatar. No big deal, though I'm not sure if it's a great choice. . .oh well. I hope I win Red's contest.:P How does it look to people?
I have discovered unions. I nticed a few invites and accepted one. Now, I have joined three unions: The Kingdom Hearts World Union, The Dragon's World Union, and the Nickel Storm Park (NSP) Union. I have also applied for the Christian union, but I haven't gotten a message yet.:? I don't plan to join any more, but these are pretty great.
EDIT: Now I have joined the GameSpot Users Interview Union, and I'm an officer!:D
Since some people have a hard time coming to grips with reality, I think I'm going to give out some hard facts of life that we all need to embrace instead of reject.
1. Broccoli tastes great.
2. Abortion is wrong.
3. Homosexuality, if it is genetic, is a disorder, no matter how much people protest.:D
4. People who accuse people of being bigots are bigots themselves.
5. God exists.
6. There is more evidence for creationism than there is for evolution.
7. Bush was crappy, but he was better than anybody else we had up there.
8. The war in Iraq is necessary.
9. Life sucks.
10. And finally, I have a right to my opinion.8)8)8)
I bought a book two days ago titled My Visit to Hell. It is an amazing novel version of Dante's Inferno; That is, it takes Dante's Inferno and turns it from a hard to read poem into a great story book. It's about a man who falls into Hell, and must go through all the circles from Dante with a guide. The author also modernizes everything, like instead of a rowboat across the river Styx, it has a freighter. It has many disturbing scenes and weird characters. The irony and poetic justices from Dante and this book are enough to make your head explode.
This book, like Dante, is a masterpiece. I finished it that night.
I've finally figured it out!!!!
Sanjaya Malakar was an evil rooster alien from the planet Venus sent to tell Chris Rock to shut the hell up, when along the way he was involved in Al Queida's evil plan to steal candy from every baby in the world by using a time machine created by Jack Thompson so he could sue God for creating the world. But dragons are cool, so that made it where the Titanic was in fact NOT sunk by an iceberg, but by the government, so they could harvest the hidden fossils that would confirm the existence of Bigfoot, and they couldn't have that because then an army of hippies would storm Mexico in order to make a new weapon of mast destruction, which they would use to blow up the worlds biggest reefer. Then the Geico cavemen came and developed the power to generate a nuclear explosion, so ABC had to make a television show about them in order to save the cheerleader and save the world.
I think it's obvious that my point is the holocaust didn't happen.
I really want to buy a Wii, but the only place I can get one is Best Buy (gift cards:P). They don't have them on their website, and the nearest store is too far away.:? But I read that they have them in stock.
So what's the deal?
I want to spend these gift cards I've been saving for two years before Best Buy completely goes down the toilet after that big scam.
I wonder if the colored Wiis are ever coming out?
Nintendo said they were, and now they're saying they won't. So what the hell is it?!?!?!?:evil:
Okay, so I have my learner's license right? Well, I have very little driving experiance (even though I've had it for a year) and today my mom wanted me to pull out of a parking lot and I backed out in the wrong direction and then I tried to correct myself and then I backed out into a woman's car and. . . .*Takes deep breath*
I've never hit anyone in the few times I've driven. I hate driving; too much to think and worry about and too many idiots and one mistake can get you killed and. . . .*Injects sedative*
Ahhhh. . . . where was I?. . . . . something about driving. . . . .clouds are fluffy. . . . .
I am so PISSED! Why is it when I have a problem with homosexuality, I'm inhuman?!
I was arguing about homosexuality on OT, when i pointed out that if it is genetic like so many people want it to be (There is no proof of this, let me point out) then it is a genetic disorder that goes against everything genes are for, sexually. And then people start comparing me to Nazis, calling me and my ideas inhuman, and blah but never, EVER acknoledged my points. Homosexuality is environmental anyway, so I don't see the big problem.
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