Slimy, filthy, whiny, bratty, snot-nosed, shouting, screaming, griping little cretins, the lot of them. Anyone with a younger sibling knows exactly what I'm talking about. My little brother came in here as I wrote this and began to start punching and strangling me. And I cannot STAND little brats in the middle of a store or restaurant starting to scream because they aren't getting what they want, or want to leave, or are hungry because haven't eaten in a few days, wah, wah, wah. You'd think the least they could do after all the crap they dish out is taste good, but NO! The skinny ones are WAY too chewy, the fat ones are too gamy, and the rest of them have developed a sort of defense mechanism by releasing toxic odors whenever they sense danger. And they know how to gang up on you. Little brats ambushed me once; It's like they had it planned. And their ways of dominancy are astounding; apparently, they have alpha males, who dominate over a certain group. Their territory is the playground, where they disperse. Instead of searching out mates, they seem to have a disliking toward the opposite sex. Oddities of nature, children.
And yet, I'm completely against abortion. Who'd have known?
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