I've been building up my own Steam library over the last two years so I'll have a sweet collection of games to play when I finally do build my own kick ass gaming PC(only have a laptop atm). I'm not sure why this is, but I've been rapidly losing interest in consoles over the last few years. Hell, the only PS3 games that I can actually sit down and play without losing interest is Skyrim, and I have almost 40 PS3 games...
Simulator_Shock's forum posts
I would if I still had one. I had the original fat model PS2 break on me way back in '06 and I replaced it with the slim model until that crapped out on me a few years ago...
I still have all my PS2 games in my closet tho, but most of the PS2 stuff I miss playing has already been "upgraded" on PS3 with the HD collections like Metal Gear Solid, God of War, Devil May Cry, RE4+Code Veronica, Kingdom Hearts, Jak and Daxter etc...
I still really miss playing THUG and MK Deception tho...
@LegatoSkyheart: This. The whole DLC bullshit was already bad enough but then they had to ruin the game by making your two fighters share the same lifebar...I think it kinda defeats the whole purpose of a tag team fighting game when your team shares the same lifebar, and having to buy more characters that are locked away in the game sure as hell didn't help things either.
Hey all
So a few months ago I finally bought myself a brand new 1TB SATA HDD for my slim PS3, as well as a 1TB WB Passport external HDD to back everything up on.
I had to format the partition I made for my PS3 to FAT32, since that's the only format that PS3 reads, after which I backed up everything on my passport.
After everything was backed up, I installed my new HDD inside my PS3, only to have this weird error message telling me that I had to insert a memory device in my console that had the newest system version on it (ver. 4.55) My PS3 won't detect my external drive plugged in when I have the new HDD installed inside it for some reason, so I can't copy over all my backed up stuff onto my new HDD...
I am very confused as to why this happens, since my PS3's system data was backed up on my external drive since I used my PS3's system back-up utility which backed up everything I had on my console...
I have no idea why this happens to me, considering I watched several youtube videos that showed me how to upgrade my HDD step by step, and this issue never came up anywhere, I even bought the same HDD they recommended to me, and I did plenty of research just to make sure it's compatible with PS3.
Does anyone know a solution to this? Any help would be appreciated.
I recently got myself a PS Plus membership, and I was looking thru the summer discount thing when I noticed that Mortal Kombat was discounted down to $5 for Plus members.
I am interested in buying the game since it's so darn cheap...but I wanna know if it comes pre-installed with the online pass, because the last thing I wanna do is buy a digital copy of a game and then be told I have to fork over another $10 to buy an online pass...
I know that Mortal Kombat originally came with an online pass since I used to own the Xbox 360 version, which included the pass in the case. So if anyone has bought the game on PSN and can confirm whether or not the game includes the online pass would be appreciated, thanks.
Hi, I'm looking for some people to play Resident Evil ORC with. I know its not the best game, but on co-op its not too bad.
Add me if you want: Gamertag: MetalWulfBlood
*Please only add me if you play with a mic, just makes things easier that way, thanks
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but weren't we suppossed to get a 360 demo for Mortal Kombat "shortly" after the PS3's demo was released?
I mean, the game's April 19 release date is only two weeks away and we still don't have a demo...
I bet they are probably going to release the demo AFTER the game is released like so many other companies do, which is freakin stupid.
I very rarely play games "online" since I prefer single player games over multiplayer. During the odd moments when I do play something online, it's usually something co-op oriented
Once my LIVE subscription expires, I don't think I'll be renewing it, since Xbox Live was never worth spending the money on in the first place. Not to mention the only thing that I actually like about LIVE is Netflix, but I could just use that for free on PS3.
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