Sniper Rifles work well because it stuns them, so 3-4 shots and they are done. If you going to use a different gun, use the M249 and pair it with explosives.
SithWarrior86's forum posts
The P21's are a an awesome, much needed solution for the PS3. You just can't cover one ear with the bluetooth and then try and listen to TV speakers.
If your trying to find something good on a budget, you should check out TB's recert page. They carry the same warranty as new products and you can get the X1 for only $39 or or the X3 for only $69. X4 is def the best value at only $129 I owned that headset last year before upgrading to the X41s. I loved it, and my lucky friend who I gave it too now loves it :)
I dont hate MW2...but I dont love it. I loved COD, COD2, COD:MW. I had a hard time putting my finger on it originally but perhaps its not enough new gameplay improvements and just overkill with the guns, attachments, perks, and killstreaks. I still play sometimes but im def not hooked how I used to be with the other COD infinity ward titles.
My friend said he'd sell me his wireless headset when he gets his turtle beach x31's. I know it works because he uses it when he plays.
I hate my wired mic( It still works after over a year though :) ) This seems like a very good deal, just wondering if this mic will last?
You should prob follow your friends lead and grab a pair of x31's yourself. Trying to listen to chat with one ear and listen to the game on speakers just does not work out well, especially if your counting on directional sound to keep you alive.
The game is actually pretty decent. Nothing groundbreaking but if your a fan the single player campaign is solid and the multiplayer is really fun, and a great change up from the all the FPS that i've been playing over the last year (BF, MW, etc). But I have also had a problem getting matchmaking, its really hit or miss.
This page from the TB knowledge base helps explain HDMI and TB installation. Your going to love the headset, its great:
I'm over halfway through with the Marine SP campaign, 40% on the alien, and just starting the Predator SP campaign. Everyone has something to complain about because everyone wants to see AVP done their way, but I'm just glad to have a game to play! The single player is nothing crazy or innovative but fun, but I have been having a blast on the multiplayer! I have about 12 hours under my belt (level 17? about) and I love Species TDM and domination. I think that's where the real fun and value lies. Gamespot review was terrible of this game, and the controls are fine once you get used to them.
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