Modern Warfare II may be the most popular paid game on Steam this week, but I haven't paid for it. If you are playing Warzone 2.0 you are shown as playing MWII in your status.
I wouldn't call those Steam stats accurate, necessarily. I'm sure that a ton of people have paid for the MWII experience, but I'd wager a ton also haven't.
I think that it would be cool if they delineated the two "modes" in their statistics.
I play GTA titles for the story. With GTA V and the split story between the three characters, I wasn't able to "get into" it. I never finished the game. It wasn't like I was angry or anything, I just put the controller down one day and never started the game again. Completely forgettable. I tried GTA Online and was repeatedly punished for trying.
Rock* definitely got their money's worth out of it. It just wasn't a game for me, and I loved each of the previous GTA titles.
At least the success of GTA V means that they'll try again.
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