@darkspliter @Slagar @FAIL_TR0LL It's true, not sure why they designed it that way (I can only assume it helps keep the box temp cooler... I bet a hardware site would explain it). But yeah, smaller and more compact is always nicer... ahh my Dreamcast was tiny! But anyway, for something that will sit behind the TV cabinet, mehhh.
I'm so glad they included the headset, AND put Kinect 2.0 in every box. Hate Microsoft if you want, but in all honesty, this looks like a really great offering from them.
@DeViLzzz It's not just MS and Sony. Google, Facebook... the ISP companies... you can't escape the NSA catch-all. It's worth being pissed about, and getting educated about what you can do, and getting involved in local activism efforts, but it's not going to get any better overnight.
It's worth doing some small things to improve your security, but try not to get too neurotic about it. Let's hope protests cause them to change their minds (yeah right!). If you're interested in change, you might also like to look up IOPS.
In other news, pillows will be banned around the country today, after it was found that shooter Adam Lanza reportedly slept on a pillow.
"I think this is the right decision for all true Americans," President Barack Obama said, in a statement earlier today. "We have a long history of pillow use in this country, and it's time we put an end to it."
"This is outrageous," pillow advocate James Beard said. "How will I sleep comfortably at night? Will somebody please think of the children?"
The new law, dubbed the "No-More-Sleepless-Nights" law, will come into effect next Tuesday.
@AskanTale America. Land of the free. The good guys with guns. I'm so glad they put a stop to terrorism, and collect all my personal information, emails and telephone conversations in order to keep me safe.
Even so, I think it would be a good combination, as I think Sega would understand and respect their style. I remember hearing Company Of Heroes dev team say really positive things about working with Sega, but I just hope they were being truthful and not back-scratching PR. I do wonder what it would be like to work for/with Sega these days, as I know they've always had beauracracy problems in the past.
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