@Evan21 @hordaak That's a fair point, but hordaak is saying that most people that are whining over having to be connected to the internet, have their console connected to the internet anyway. The same goes for multiplayer; people always whined that Sony was superior because they had free online play; all of a sudden they have no problem with paying for it.
This video missed a lot. Kinect? The controllers? The console's OS?
I don't see them as being "all that different". I think MS offers a more premium experience and better long-term possibilities, while Sony has the edge as a more or less traditional, internet-free console. The biggest difference will be the exclusives.
As for the price difference, I think it will depend on the consumer. Personally, I don't mind shelling out the extra $100 as long as the XB1 can deliver on a more premium OS experience and better possibilities as a media/all-in-one-box - which it looks like it can IMO. I also think Kinect offers some exciting possibilties. But I certainly respect those that "just want a gaming console" and would rather save the money, and/or the online/used-games things.
They're looking pretty even to me, and I expect them to be pretty even in terms of marketshare take-up. Games will be the decider and depend on the gamer's tastes.
Looks like it will be an exciting holiday season for both fans of Sony and of Microsoft :)
@Nyc-WiLL This is article is rubbish - the source is an anonymous reddit user. It wouldn't surprise me though. That said, if Microsoft are doing it, you can bet Sony are doing exactly the same thing.
@SerOlmy Hmm I agree with the used games stuff, but not sure I agree about the pricing policy. Getting Kinect on every console is a must to differentiate Microsoft technologically. If Kinect becomes optional, it just becomes useless for developers and gets ignored.
I kinda agree about the market-share thoughts though; it would be very bad for MS to fall behind. It will be interesting to see what happens. Personally, so far, I'd still be willing to pay the extra for the Microsoft offering - but I'm not sure how soccer mom's will respond.
Slagar's comments