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SlikNik27 Blog

When Did I Become

I don't want you all to think that I'm some kind of garbage can-skimming hobo (even if I do look the part), but I have another great deal from the unsavory bowels of the internet. This one comes by way of HBO (a great Halo site). Apparently WalMart is a bit ancy to clear some storage space for those oversized Rock Band bundles (or at least I'd like to think so) because they are liquidating another oversized product; the Legendary Edition of Halo 3. How bad do they want you to buy? Check out the link and you'll see a very nice price of $59.82 (before shipping and tax). If you don't have it, or have a Halo-less gamer on your shopping list, now is the time to act. Just think how impressed your significant other will be when you pretend you spent $130 on a gift for him or her. And really, isn't that what the holiday season is all about?

Another Great Toys 'R Us Deal

Hey everyone. I have some excellent Guitar Hero related news for y'all today. No, I didn't get my controller back, but that's actually good news. Why, you ask? Well, Toys R Us is offering Guitar Hero 2 (with controller) for the Xbox 360 at an amazing half off deal. That means you pay only $44.99 for the game and controller. If you don't have the game, go and get it! This deal is for today only, so be quick.

This is also a great opportunity to make some extra eBay cash if you enjoy doing that kind of thing. I don't know if there is a limit on how many you can buy, but this offer is in-store only. I can't make it because I'm stuck at the library studying all day, but I strive to live vicariously through all of you. Now go get it before it's sold out! Peace.

New Games and Warehouse Goodies

I picked up a few cheapie games this weekend. I got both Brute Force (XBOX) and Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (XBOX) brand new for $4.99 each. You can't beat those prices with a stick. I don't know when I'll get to them, but the price was too good to pass them up. I played a bit of Halo 3 today in an effort to get the Overkill achievement, but I had no luck. Instead I just moved my Lone Wolves level from 28 to 30, which will just make it even harder to get it. Oh well.

Pretty soon I'll be starting to record footage from my game collection for gameplay samples, reviews, and a new feature I will be starting in January. On a side note, I'll be starting Musashi: Samurai Legend (PS2), so I'll fill you in as I go.

As you all know, I was very unhappy with the defective GH3 controller that Red Octane sent me, so I'm exchanging it for a new one. However, I realized that I'll be leaving for Christmas soon and I want to take the controller with me to play with friends and family. In hopes that the warehouse workers will feel the holiday cheer and expedite my controller, I took a page out of Mr. Danny O'Dwyer's playbook and sent some goodies along with the controller. Oreos and Laffy Taffy. Yum yum.

P.S. The note simply says "Happy Holidays!"

Jeff Lives!!!

Our beloved Jeff is already back in the game. You can check him out on the latest episode of TekZilla. He gives some helpful shopping advice as the holiday season fast approaches. You'll see an uncharacteristically sullen Jeff at about the 14 min mark of the video. He's definitely still feeling the sting of CNET's wrath, but he knows that you gotta get back on the horse. Go Jeff!

The Hotspot

It took a long time, but GameSpot finally responds. Listen to the Hotspot and you'll probably feel at least a little better about the whole Jeff issue. The guys make a lot of good points and have convinced me that they all retain their integrity. If the rumors were completely true, I believe the other editors would have left and they are here to stay. Management sucks, but I don't come here for the management.

Blog Time: #5

Without further ado,


On a quick note, I now believe Jeff's firing should be put on CNET and not Eidos. I believe it was a pre-emptive act of cowardice by Larson after Eidos was displeased with the review. If I were paying big bucks, I'd be pissed about the score too. However, I doubt Eidos asked for Jeff's head. I think it was management's way of "impressing" future advertisers and a way to get rid of someone they deemed a trouble maker.

Also, I played Rock Band at Best Buy and the drums are tons of fun. The guitar part was a bit too easy and the strum bar sucked like no other, but it was still fun. That's it for now. I'm out.

See you online.


There is a good chance you've all heard about the boycott of CNET that will be going on tomorrow. I have no idea how many people will participate, but I will be one of them. I am not ignorant and I realize a one-day boycott by a small percentage of users will not have a large monetary impact. Instead I simply see it as a way to show support for our buddy, Jeff. So as soon as I finish this post I will be signing out for a day. When I come back I'll have a video blog for ya. It's already done, but if I upload it tonight I'll be on past midnight and if CNET counts site views per day (and not per week or month), then I would have spoiled my own boycott (although it's much more likely they count views per day starting at midnight PST).

On a side note, I have not yet determined whether I will continue on with GameSpot. I'm starving for information, but no one will feed me. Must I die of hunger?


Anyone who really knows me, knows I am a man of principles. When I have a strong conviction about something, I will see it through to the end. As such, I am deeply disturbed by all of the rumors pertaining to Jeff's firing. If the rumors are true, I will cancel my GameSpot membership and will no longer trust any of their video game coverage. Gamespot has been my favorite website for years and I do not want to leave; I am comfortable here. However, comfort cannot be an excuse for complacency. If the rumors are true, I will send a message to GameSpot and CNET in the language that all corporations understand.

Fortunately, I am also a man of patience. I will not be hasty in leaving the site that has given so much to me. I want to hear all sides of the story and make a decision based on substance. A simple "no comment" will not suffice GameSpot. The burden of proof is on you; convince me to stay.

Play the Theme from Halo on GH3

Just a quick heads-up. As a special Thanksgiving treat, Microsoft will be making the theme to Halo available for FREE download tomorrow in GH3. Don't miss out because this is an awesome song. Turkey + Halo + Guitar Hero = bliss.

Video Blog Tomorrow?

Final anatomy test tomorrow. This is a big deal for med students. Hopefully I can get up a video blog tomorrow after all of my tests are done. Post-Gross Toast tomorrow night; I'll elaborate on that. Peace and God Bless.