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SoralinkGS Blog

New Games and some Pre-Orders...

Hey Everyone,

I picked up some old games and some new games since my last post about getting games. As you can see, it hasn't been a great amount of purchases, but gas prices continue to soar, making purchases less likely when the games are all $60. Still, these Bargain bin games (Viking was JUST added to the bargain bin when I picked it up) will likely take some time to plow through, but it will be fun. The Nintendo 64 game was purchased because I owned it and loved it a long time ago, and I saw it with its box and manual so I could not pass it up.

I also went ahead and pre-ordered Gears of War 2, Banjo 3, Fallout 3, and Fable 2, all collector's editions. I don't know if Banjo 3 will have a collector's edition, but I hope it does. Also, if it does, I hope if has the first two banjo's to play on Xbox 360(that would be sweet!)

Thanks for Reading,


PS3 in the morning, Xbox 360 at night

Hello everyone,

I have been pretty busy, but I have taken the time to finish GTAIV's storyline last week. I have to say, it was pretty amazing, but the ending was just horrible. However, I don't like to spoil storylines for people unless they ask so I will leave it at that. However, with GTAIV's storyline done, I have come up with an idea for gaming that might help me get games done with on both Playstation and Xbox. First off, I wake up early in the morning(giving me 3 hours of spare time), go to work, and then stay up for about 3 hours until I go to bed. That is, of course, the average amount of time and it does vary. Nevertheless, I decided that I will also seperate my time with consoles this way, making my morning full of Playstation gaming and my nights full of social Xbox Live gaming. To start, I started playing Drakan for PS2 and I want to finish it this time (third time I restarting this game!).On the Xbox side, I will continue with GTAIV until I get it to 100% and until I get tired of playing it online (not going to happen anytime soon).

To end the blog, LOST season 4 is over and the finale has boggled my mind, much like the last season's. I won't really talk about it for those who still haven't caught up with the show, but it was downright amazing to see what happened, and it left quite a bit of questions that I can't wait to see answered in the next season. Season 5 can't come soon enough!!

Thanks for reading!


Man, have I been busy...

So, I have been gone for what looks like a month.

In the month's time, my total access subscription has expired, placing me back to just a member. This is actually is alright since I learned that there isn't that much special about paying for a subscription for a console gamer. Also, I received my Brain Bust II emblem while I was away, which is a nice token to get since I absolutely love GTAIV. Speaking of which, I just got the time to finish the storyline today, placing me at 83.83% done with the game. I didn't use a single cheat code and i plan to get to 100% at some point. Also, I moved my Nintendo Wii down into the family room, so that other members of my family can enjoy it. My mom plans to buy Wii Fit, so that should be... interesting.

In other news, I have received a promotion at my seasonal job at Hersheypark, making me a supervisor of my department. That has really taken up my time since A. I work a good amount of double shifts throughout May, and B. I have been learning what has to be done in my new position. Still, I consider it worth it since my paycheck are going to be even larger than they ever have been, meaning I might have more extra cash to spend of games:)

Finally, I went to Washington D.C. in the middle of may for 2 days with my family just to get away from it all. We didn't do too much there, just walked around the base of the the Washington Memorial and walked through a few museums. The trip was also a reminder that I finished my second year at college, and I preparing for my transfer to a new college, which is looking to be a coolege in North Dakota. We shall see...

thanks for reading!


Grand Theft Auto IV (Pics)

Hey Everyone,

I got my copy of GTAIV and here are the pictures!

I will be playing this for a while, so if you want to play online, send me a message...



Brain Bust II (failed round 2) and The Sims 2

Hey everyone,

so yea, I lost at round 2, which I am actually happy about. I really don't have the time to go down to San Francisco if I made it to the finals, so I didn't put much playing the rounds. Now, before you judge me here, I actually think I would have never made it to the fourth round since those questions were way over my head. So, yea, to those who win, you are amazing at remembering GTA stuff!

In other news, I have started playing the Sims 2 again. My sister has grown quite a collection of expansion packs so I wanted to check out all of them except her most recent one, which is Freetime. To my surprise, after installing all the packs, the game is completely different from when it was only the Sims 2! The expansion packs have really changed the gameplay and also have made it more, dare I say, realistic? The first change I noticed was in how your sims now have all these turn ons and turn off and how they now will refuse to date certain people. They also added seasons, tons of different clothes and furniture, pets that are WAY better than the Original Sims Pets, and a whole lot more. My sister also has all the cheap "stuff" expansions, which only add clothes and furniture, so I installed them. For those wondering, the "stuff" expansions don't really count as expansions to the game since they don't really add to the experience.



Brain Bust II (passed round 1) and got a Atari Jaguar!

Hey everyone,

(For those wondering, "Looking at LOST" is a friday thing)

Anyways, I thought I would take the time to say that I am in the Brain Bust II trivia tournament and I made it to round 2. I actually thought I didn't do too well, but I did pass so I guess I did alright. The game was pretty tough, but I had a good amount of fun just thinking of the makes me want to play GTAIV even more. Oh yea, up above is a nice sweet reminder of what I will be getting in the Special Edition package of GTAIV for Xbox 360. Its so awesome :)

And here is the Jaguar! Sorry for its condition, I was in the middle of cleaning it up since it was in such a bad condition when i got it, but it works like a charm! The ports on the back are bad that I need to tweak them a bit, but it does work so I could play all the games. As for the game pics, The DOOM pic has the wrong faceplate(its actually the wolfenstein one I threw in by accident) but I really have the correct one. DOOM I am putting on Ebay to make some money. I am keeping Wolfenstein 3D and I also got Bubsy, but the camera died so no pic yet. And that should be it for this blog. I will update on how I do with round 2 tomorrow...



Looking at Lost: Season 1

Hey everyone,

Thought I would make a nice blog entry on the show I have been watching quite a bit recently. That show would be:

Yep, I got into this craze thanks to a co-worker of mine and starting watching from the beginning of Easter day, and just two days ago got to where the show is at on So what did I think about it? Lets just say I was surprisingly impressed by the quality and quantity of the show's episodes. Almost every episode begins and/or ends with a revaluation or secret unveiled, something I enjoyed and something that keep me watching because each episode tries to add mysteries and questions to the show. However, to make this come in a more bit-sized way, I am only going to go over one season in each blog.Anyways, from here on out, its spoilers so just skip until you see the *end spoilers* below to read on without spoilers. Why not use the HTML spoiler feature? because it doesn't support listing...

*Begin Spoilers*

For the first season, The story is just beginning and the first thing you learn is that everybody has a secret to hide. The two hour pilot really expresses this with Kate's secret about being the prisoner accompanying the U.S. Marshal. The pilot also reveals some interesting mysteries, such as the monster that kills the pilot, the attack of the polar bear in the jungle, and the biggest one: the message that has been playing for 16 years. This setup was pretty interesting and really a great way to gain an audience for the show. The show continues this mysterious plot with every episode revealing more secrets and plot twists constantly. From my own opinion, the best moments of the season are as followed:

Finding out that Locke was in a wheelchair on the plane and then walking after the crash

When the survivors moved to another (much better) part of the beach.

When it was revealed that the woman on the 16-year-old message was alive

When Hurley builds a golf course.

When Charlie and Claire got kidnapped.

When Claire returned and didn't remember anyone.

When Claire had the baby.; All of Hurley's flashbacks(they were so awesome).

When Micheal, Sawyer, Walt, and Jin leave on the raft

When Boone died, leading to the rest of survivors learning about the hatch.

When the others finally show themselves and kidnapped Walt.








*End Spoilers*

Overall, I recommend the show for those who enjoyed the Jurassic Park trilogy and Cast Away. However, this is not a show to just pick up from season 2 or something. You must start with the first episode and work your way to the end to understand each and every episode to their full extent.



New Games and more

Hey Everyone

Went to a few Flea Markets on Sunday and got a couple games:

Got Heavenly Sword the PS3 for $20. no scratches so its good.

Got Shrek The Third for the Wii for $10.

Got Left Brain Right Brain for the DS from a educational catalog for around $5.

Got Wild West for the DS a while back in an educational catalog for free. (interesting note: I'm the only person on Gamespot with this in their collection)

Got Furu Furu Park for the Wii in an educational catalog for $10.

Got Tony Hawk's Project 8 for Xbox 360 for $15. It is definitely defective since I can't finish the tutorial, but that is skippable(only downside is that I can't get that 10 point achievement)

Got Serious Sam II for Xbox for $7. Doesn't work on Xbox 360, but I have my Xbox in my closet...

Got my Phantom Hourglass Feather DS Stylus in the mail. They discontinued this for a little bit, but they sent me an e-mail a little while back telling me that they are reshipping them(had to do a survey) and viola, here it is...



Purchased my new PC and more

Hey everyone,

The good news this week was hat I finally got my new PC. In all truth, it has been a week since i purchased it, but I have been working on updating all the programs, installing my games, and toying around with the new Vista features that i didn't take the time make this entry. Still, I now have the time, so let it rip!:

Sorry about the mess and soda cans, but I usually have to rush to get pictures since I am borrowing my sis's beloved camera to take them. Also, it is college time, so some paperwork for school is always everywhere... For a final pic of the PC, I give you a comparison of my TV to my new moniter...its like its little brother...:

Feel the electric bill cometh!!

Anyways, I figured I would make this nothing but pics for this blog, so here are some recent games I bought that I never posted pics of:

whew, enjoy the gallery!

