[QUOTE="SoyUnPerdedor"]Why would Square spend a ton of time, effort, and most importantly MONEY remaking the game from the ground up, when they could just release a couple of little pissy ff7 spinoffs and make even more money for less work? That strategy has been working really well for them for the past few years. I mean, that's why they've made so many spinoffs, right? Just throw in Cloud, Sephiroth, and some big swords and people will buy whatever they put out. They don't need to remake ff7 to make a ton of money.Muramasa_Edge
These spinoffs aren't just for the hardcore fans, Square are being extremely smart about this- they're introducing new players to this game world, they're trying to ignite interest among both new and old fans, and then as soon as demand is high enough- POW! The announcement, whatever the capacity, of a remake of FFVII.
Crisis Core didn't say at the end 'Play Final Fantasy VII' just to leave people in the dark- remember, I have to reiterate this; Final Fantasy VII is out of print, it isn't being made anymore- how are players supposed to get their hands on it? Answer? Either a release on PSN, which would be a wasted opportunity, or a re-release that would make one of the most succesful games of all time even more succesful; you have to think in terms of scale here, how many FFVII fans are there out there? Then add to that fans of the Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core games and you're talking lots more.
This won't simply be a game for the hardcore, Square are setting this up to be the most lucerative software move they've ever made, all they need to do is wait, generate the interest and then push the big red button. They've already got the XIII series coming, if they do this right they can and will re-ignite the flame of the Final Fantasy franchise.
They're not gonna re-ignite Final Fantasy by retreading an 11 year old game. Creatively, I mean. To me, that would kill Final Fantasy. It's like they're saying, "Final Fantasy 7 was the only game we ever made that was worth anything, so we're not going to try new things anymore." It already looks like that, but FF is on life support pretty much. A remake would be Square-Enix pulling the plug.
How are they gonna get FF7? The same way you get any old game - used game stores, ebay, friends, whatever. If you really want it, you can get it. You can find it on amazon.com for $90, which is crazy, but $60 for a ps3 game is crazy too. You might as well pony up 30 more bucks.
It would make so much more sense for Square to release it on PSN, I don't see how you can think that's a wasted opportunity. Think about it this way: Square can either hold up production for every other project they're working on, and spend many millions of dollars remaking Final Fantasy 7 for ps3, or they can release it on PSN, where they do NO work, spend NO money, and make 100% profit, because you know tons of people are going to buy it. They can even price-gouge people a little for it. I'm sure everyone would be cool with paying more than the $6 or $8 dollar usual for ps1 games, whatever it is. It's a hell of a lot better than paying $90 online. Hell, throw everything that was on the ps1 - FF 4,5,6,8,9, and Tactics up there, too, make even more free money. This works perfectly for Square and for fans.
I think people just say a remake is a sure thing because they really want it to happen. It's cool if someone thinks that - it COULD happen, but just because FF 7 is popular, it doesn't mean they'll remake it. I'd put my money on more spinoffs. They're easier, cheaper, and guaranteed to make a good profit.
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