Final Fantasy 7 wasn't very good, and every single spin off was horrible. A remake would make me vomit out of my eyes.
But if I ever want to play Final Fantasy 7, I just pop the disc in. I don't need to carry a torch online for a remake that will never happen.
What's all this "We need a remake for people who never got to play the game" business? Who's stopping you from playing it? If you've got $90, hit up ebay or It's a little expensive, but I guarantee you'll get better results there than you will begging for a remake here.
Who cares if they add super-shiny-graphics? People don't obsess over any Final Fantasy for the graphics, they obsess over the story. This guy's got the right idea...
I fail to see why are you guys so obsessed with the FF7 remake. I mean, FF7 is my favourite game of all time, but c'mon... It's not the great game that it is because of the graphics. It's a great game because of the plot, characters, setting, etc. It never was about graphics. I would start a petition over new rpg games, like the golden age in ps1 when they made great games like Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Vagrant Stories, etc.alucardio
...People liked FF7 back in the day because it was new to them. Screw living in the past, they should make some new games already.
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