anyone having problems not able to install (download) Rayman, it goes through the download setup and when it should be starting the download right after accepting terms & conditions and accepting the Administrator privileges it says not internet connection or not enough space on hard drive (i have 67GB left and its connected online)
@glez13: if it was Revelations i would totally get that as the only games im missing is Revelations, rogue and Unity of the main series ( i had revelations on Xbox 360 but traded it in when i got PS3 so didnt finish it, and i have pirated now but still havent finished so would be nice to get it offically and its older then origins i think.), i also have all Farcry Games on console (farcry 1-3 + blood dragon on ps3 and Farcry 4 on ps4) besides Primal but that wont happen. it says i have 16 Games on Uplay but i really have 25 or something all got legit, (only one i have pirated was Revelations, which is a feat as i love Ubisoft games and gotten duplicates as well like Farcry 2, and i have brought and traded in to get the same game again with AC4 3 times (story and all) ).
yeah so hopefully there are games from those series.
@Dav_id83: im in Australia and dont really understand the bundle. If you pay $1 you get everything in that tier or do you choose from the tier like 2-3 games. I have a US account for anything free that isnt in AU store which right now are a couple of themes and one F2P game. And turns out now australian store has themes that the US dont.
To anyone who signed up for beta and got in but doesnt care about it. Can you give me the code when its released. Just reply if you are one of them and ill post my Email for you post the code.
If you want of cause. Only if you signed up because of no reason just to be signed up. Would really appreciate it.
@Kruiz_Bathory: they are the exact same only difference is PC will have crashes, xbox slow and bad on eyes, ps4 well thats the better choice if you have one.
@nickiamx: they allowed to do anything they fucking want. and everyone is casuals, unless you are in a real tournament. i use a controller on pc all the time, i prefer PS4, because the games are better, PC is only for exclusives like minecraft and skyrim mods, everything else i play on ps4/ps3 because its more convenient, patches, crashes, bad ports and a load of hackers and pieces of shits that hate everyone.
@mtm2490 if the copy was made before it went gold that wasnt the final version. also you can travel to how many planets you want, its just that it will take awhile. apperently you have 1 galaxy person when you spawn but it will take you ages to move to another galaxy.
@that1dood: they are saved if it was a big change like erasing a species, MASS terra forming etc. we all know it saves when you name a spieces and/or the planet it depends what happens after that. it doesnt get saved if it was some mining that was like a tiny little bit or being there for 1hour doing nothing.
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