@heydink: yeah the most ive played was either Skyrim (100hrs+ well at least 2-3 story completes worth), Runescape (400hrs since 2008 one character though), destiny (140hrs since august last year), Minecraft (alot that i cant count), Black ops 1 (320hrs). those are the most the rest are all 100 or under. if i get 80hrs out of this ($1 an hour. if it was US it would be 60hours) that would be money well spent.
@metin3191: i wont, ive been waiting since it was announced before i even had a PS4 (last july for birthday) and cant wait, i know it will be alittle bit like minecraft but destiny combined, but also a hint of starbound minus building, and massive multiplayer aspects.
@nozerone: so one question about the math, how long will it take if two people next to each take to get to the same place and meet up between the two groups. no stopping, just constant hyperdrive.
@fantist this is online, this has multiplayer, it wont act like an mmo but it sure will be one, as it has multiple people in the same world at the same time. you might not encounter anyone but its still multiplayer. even if they martketed it as a SP game its still a multiplayer game, and having so many people on at once, it counts as a MMO, but if heard correctly you can play this offline just that the online atlas wont be updated.
They should have had a beta for who ever preordered so they could stress test as they only had 20 people at a time on it, compared to the millions who will play it day one.
@skufflzzz: yes it will be the same for me as i play this game in my mancave waiting and wondering if anyone is still alive outside while i played this game for 20years nonstop (didnt want to be that big of a time as being 20, making it 60 would mean im 80 and old, i want some adventure when im the last guy on earth, and ready to leave to see what else is out there in the galaxy) see there... i just did the question twice in the same paragraph wondering whats out there twice.\
im going to stop talking im just making shit up as i comment and this whole paragraph is useless, hopefully see you in the 20 years i play this looking for you, which hopefully will take 20 years. anyway see you then
@Mirimon78: no you find matthew McConaughey trying to contact him self to not to leave to the middle of galaxy into the black hole that lies there. then you join in to do the same, then all shit goes weird and you find yourself in your ship ready to head back to the galaxy when you spot a rift where you put the game down, and just walk away thinking WTF just happened in this Comment
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