@kanekan-slaugh: the game can be played offline last time i checked, just that whatever planets you find if they are taken they wont be added to atlas as yours, if they arent taken they are uploaded. unless the planets you find while offline they will be lost after you go on them.
if you cant play offline (im suggesting you can as it says you need to be online to add the planets to the atlas, and not saying you need online to play the game) then well you cant play offline.
@kanekan-slaugh: you obviously dont know what you mean, as PSplus isnt needed on half of Destiny and also doesnt need it on F2P games. i think you messed up Xbox with PS4 as Xbox "F2P" games that are the same need an Subscription. example, on Xbox i will need to pay a monthly fee to play Hawken/WoT, on PS4 i dont need to pay a single dime to play those 2 games. Massive difference, and the fact you cant keep the "free" games and need to pay $10 more for Xbox Gold, is stupid.
@illage2: well hello games (the guy they mentioned,) did say they are taking all feedback, and seeing what they can do apparently, so adding a meet up feature where you can stay where you are, and have an external spawn that spawns into a friend which uses there spawn so when you join their game, your friends spawn moves like normal, but yours stays put before you spawned at your friend, so you never lose your Progress in the game, but also the ability to join into someone else's. (by this i mean together not an actual seperate game as it is online.
also ive been told this isnt an MMO, but they saying you rarily will find someone IRL (the player, unless they mean Planet instead) having other people in the world still techniaclly is an MMO just no people. but because you wont find people its SP, so really its a TTTTMORPG (tiny tiny tiny tiny Multiplayer online Role playing Game)
@regulas: what stuff you talking about, what the highly concealed TV/Movie app folder. thats the only thing that is there. everything else is part of the system.
@TheGreatOne023: dam idiots these days, why have a beta for a hotfix. they only do betas for big updates, and they always add big stuff every .50 of a version. they did one for 3.00 and 3.50, they both added a lot, they both had Betas. this will be no different
@Phazevariance: you being sarcastic, because they added the PSplus section and some other stuff on the homescreen. im just hoping for wallpapers as i have some gorgeous wallpapers that will be awesome on the ps4. other then that need a Name change to my Youtube name. (not this one that my gamespot account has)
Spiritbomb2012's comments