I just got off the phone with an adviser to an online school in Denver. He kept telling me these things like, we are a private school is I am the deciding factor of getting you in. Well I kept talking to him anyway about game design and what classes I would be taking, then he mentions a campus in the state that I live in. I said wow you have two campuses near here, cool I think I would rather take them in class rather than online. He starting talking about some bull**** like, well you learn at your own pace and most student prefer online classes, that way it doesn't eat up their schedule. Well I am sorry to hear that but I don't really learn all that well online, I need social interaction with a teacher rather than a email that was addressed to me two days ago. This guy was something else, he kept telling me that if I reserve today that he could get me into class very soon, and that if I wait then I wouldn't be guaranteed anything. I love schools that don't see faces, all they see is my wallet or a signed student loan. Well I guess I am not going to that school. He kept telling me that it would be best if I hurried up and transferred out of the school I am in and enrolled to that college now. There are so many things I want to say, but won't because I can be a better person than that. What he doesn't understand is that I can get what they call here the HOPE to help pay for my schooling, but on one condition, the school has to be in the state that I live in, and I don't believe I could get it for an online school in Denver. That way I am not spending 50 to 80 thousand dollars on a school that is so selective when it comes to students. He really was trying way to hard to make the school sound like Harvard. What he was probably trying to say was, "You know anyone can get accepted here, you just have to sign this form that says we own you for the rest of your days, but hurry because we really like to roll in the dough from cattle such as yourself". I had spoken to another online school like this a long time ago, and they tried to milk me out of money just like this school tried, although that really weren't all that secretive about it, I think that is why I respected them a little more.
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