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Well, well, well.

I just got off the phone with a representative at the Art Institute. They didn't try to steer me in the wrong direction and they didn't waste my time. So it looks as if I found the school that I am wanting to go to. She was basically glad that I thought of AI but really wasn't going to go into full detail on the school until I took the tour of the campus. I was very surprised at the way she acted toward me, I didn't here the, "you know it is very hard to get in here if you don't know the right people", or the, "we can start you off right now, here let me email you the form that sells over your soul for an education". I don't believe I have ever talked with a school and never rolled my eyes once, actually I never even had to utter in my mind, this is bull****!

Simply Amazing.

Well I was playing The Punisher for xbox, and you won't believe the luck. I finally got to the last boss, finally I had almost full heath and I was almost there. I finally threw the last bomb that would destroy the boss, and my xbox froze. Now I have to play the boss yet again. What a bunch of crap.

*Ok, now I have finally beaten the game without it freezing on me. I was going to try one more time and if it did freeze on me then the Punisher would go into my closet of games that will never be played again, well that or to gamestop.

All you can do is laugh.

I just got off the phone with an adviser to an online school in Denver. He kept telling me these things like, we are a private school is I am the deciding factor of getting you in. Well I kept talking to him anyway about game design and what classes I would be taking, then he mentions a campus in the state that I live in. I said wow you have two campuses near here, cool I think I would rather take them in class rather than online. He starting talking about some bull**** like, well you learn at your own pace and most student prefer online classes, that way it doesn't eat up their schedule. Well I am sorry to hear that but I don't really learn all that well online, I need social interaction with a teacher rather than a email that was addressed to me two days ago. This guy was something else, he kept telling me that if I reserve today that he could get me into class very soon, and that if I wait then I wouldn't be guaranteed anything. I love schools that don't see faces, all they see is my wallet or a signed student loan. Well I guess I am not going to that school. He kept telling me that it would be best if I hurried up and transferred out of the school I am in and enrolled to that college now. There are so many things I want to say, but won't because I can be a better person than that. What he doesn't understand is that I can get what they call here the HOPE to help pay for my schooling, but on one condition, the school has to be in the state that I live in, and I don't believe I could get it for an online school in Denver. That way I am not spending 50 to 80 thousand dollars on a school that is so selective when it comes to students. He really was trying way to hard to make the school sound like Harvard. What he was probably trying to say was, "You know anyone can get accepted here, you just have to sign this form that says we own you for the rest of your days, but hurry because we really like to roll in the dough from cattle such as yourself". I had spoken to another online school like this a long time ago, and they tried to milk me out of money just like this school tried, although that really weren't all that secretive about it, I think that is why I respected them a little more.

The Night.

I have to stop working nights. I believe it is turning me into a zombie. Has anyone had that feeling when you stay up all night and your kind of with lack of feeling? Well every time I work another day over night the feeling I get, gets worse. Then I look at everyone else and see these huge black marks under their eyes and it sort of feels like I am in the music video for Thriller. Oh well I only have six more classes until I get a degree then I should be getting out of this small town, well at least I hope so.

I wonder what would happen.

I am currently enrolled in a small town college that isn't all that great. I have been working for a little over two years now to get a degree in Computer Information Systems a.k.a Networking Specialist. But I really am unsure on if I want to continue this path, I mean one day I would like to dive into the world of network security sometimes called white hat hacking. But I really want to get into Game Design or Game Programmer. But I have an issue with this, what would happen if I started doing Game Design and ended up not wanting to play games anymore? You know like bringing home your work or something like that. I also understand that it also could fuel the flame of my passion of gaming also, so I really don't know what to do. All I do know is that I need to get out of working these dead end jobs that I am constantly in. I can't see myself working at Walmart for the rest of my life. I need to decide something fast, I finish my Networking degree in just six months.

When will it end?

I am sick and tired of going into a forum and seeing these same question threads all over the place. When will memory sticks go down in price, what is a PSP, when is the (insert next generation console) coming out? I just want to go into the forums one day and not see a single thread that I haven't seen before. I know people are busy and don't have time to look at the history and some times that is ok. But you also have some people that will ask these insane question like, "What is a PSP?" , wow that question could have been answered with a simple google search, or even just going to amazon. Oh and I also like the, "whats the next generation xbox's name?", no one knows the answer to that question. There are several rumors going around about these things but nothing definite. What is so sad is the fact that the mods even have special threads that give answers to all of this questions that everyone is supposed to read before posting anything.

What a day.

Today was very interesting. First I go into work to find out that we had very little to do, well except make our department look good which can take a while at times. So then one of the managers came up to me and said when everyone in the department gets done to go help this other manager, since we didn't have much to do. Well I finally got done and went to go help the other manager. I had been over there a good 45 minutes to an hour when she said, go ahead and go on break. I refused the break at first, only because I like to stay busy so the time goes by fast, then she said, "no, go ahead and take a break", well ok then. While I was on break one of my fellow coworkers came to me and said, "you know we have three pallets of stock to do now". I didn't know what to say, oh wait yeah I did. What the hell, and where did this come from? He just said something like it was on a truck in the back all night, but no one said anything about it. Well I went to the manager that I was helping and just flat out told her that I could either continue helping her or go do the rest of the truck until it is time to leave. She threw up her hands and said, "just go do your department". I wasn't too pleased about how she said it, but at the moment I really didn't care. So we took the three pallets and started breaking it down in the back to go put it on the shelf. Well we finally got done and started on the floor to put it on the shelf when all of a sudden the manager I was helping said, "you need to quit that huddle that all of you are in, you know each person gets four feet to themselves." I slowly began to get angry. I am just glad that the work day is over. I think that is why I play games so much, to get away from people like that.

My grass is always greener than your's.

Sorry about the title, but I am feeling a little crazy today. I brought my PSP to work today because a few people wanted to see it in action. So I showed it to them and all they could do was stare with their mouth's open. Everyone at work all thought it was just another worthless piece of electronic that would get a little play and that was it, now they are all looking into buying one. So I guess my work there was done.

I made a really hard decision the other day. I have decided to buy another Playstation 2. This decision did not come easy as for I had 3 originals at which I never paid 149.99 but more like 199.99 and the dreaded 299.99. A lot of people say, "maybe you should take better care of your consoles". At which I always say, "I do, I actually take better care of my consoles than I do myself, so there is no question about it, I take really good care of all my equipment". My first one had a disk read error and ended up dieing on me within a week, my second I guess caught fire from within the inside and dead on the spot either way it was smoking, then my third actually had one disk read error and before it could die on me I brought it in to a game store to sell it to them. If I buy another Playstation 2, then I will no longer be held back from buying a game only because I don't have the system.

Everyone is so lucky, I have one friend that is into games like I am into games. Everyone else has no idea what I talk about when I talk about games. My dream is to work at a game studio like Rockstar or Bungie and then marry a female who is more into games than I am. Now if I could only find that then I will be set for the rest of my life.

What I expect out of game store clerks.

Every time I go in to purchase a game I have some expectations that I would like met. For instance I don't want to go to Bestbuy and find out that I know more about a game than the sells clerks. That is why I go to places like Gamestop or EBgames in order to buy a game or a system or hell even an add on to a system. I went into Bestbuy today and went to the PSP section to maybe get a game, well I was met by a sells clerk who decided to let me in on the inside of the gaming industry. He spoke of the PS3 and how it will come out before the next xbox, and that is when I told him no that the next xbox will be out way before the next Playstation. Then he told me how cool the CELL technology is in the PS3 and how it will whoop everyone else, I said again, it will be powerful but the other systems will have close to the same power that the PS3 will have. After that I left to go to another store. The sells clerk told me in the other store that the new Memory Stick duo was designed for the PSP and it had just came out. I was like ok, so me being able to buy a Memory Stick Duo before the PSP's launch in America and Japan suggest that the camera's that they were really designed for meant nothing. After that frustrating moment I just went to Toys R Us and looked at the games. There I was met by a young lady who said and quote, "I don't know a lot about these systems but I can tell you that we are selling a lot of this game right here". So I bought a game at Toys R Us only because she was honest, she didn't try to pull my leg with bs or try to tell me that this game is sick, stupid, retarded, or whack, which I am sure the guy speaking this was telling me the game was awesome. I don't mind hearing the slang here and there but I really do like to know what it is they are saying without questioning whether or not they like or dislike a certain thing. I am only asking for a little here, all I want is for a sells clerk to be a little knowing within the game world. I would rather them not speak about things they now nothing about rather then make themselves look stupid and waste my time. I wonder if I am asking too much?

I saw the PSP and it winked at me!

Yesterday I went to my local game store to get one of the games I had pre ordered. Well I asked the lady behind the desk about the Midnight Madness sale for the PSP and if they were going to do it, and she said yeah we are. So it looks like I will be going up there at Midnight tonight to pick me up a PSP. Then I asked the question that I am sure everyone who has pre ordered a PSP has said, how many are you getting in. There were a ton of people in the store, so she said really loud, "NO", then she looked at me and winked and told me to come here for a second. She took me to the back and pulled out a PSP box that I thought was just for store display, but in fact she opened it and pulled out a PSP. It glowed , and then winked at me. The lady in the store said, this is the other guys PSP, so I am sure he won't mind you looking at it. I can not wait until tonight. I have been converting movies to mp4 all month long, even though I don't have a 1GB memory card yet, but I will soon. I didn't get the game I pre ordered but I received something even more, the sight of the PSP.