I don't know about everyone else, but I am a huge tech junkie. I don't care what it is, but I always seem to want it. Like when the DVD DL burners came out, I wanted one so bad and I almost got one too. I now have to think about what I would use the new technology for, that why I don't spend all my money on something I will never use. Much like the new DS, I wanted one so bad and finally I got one and bought a few games for it, well when I say a few games I mean six games. I played the DS for a little while, but then it got old and if I am not mistaken it has about an inch of dust on it as we speak. Now I am not putting the DS down, I loved the graphics and had a really great time playing Mario 64ds on it, but I just really didn't care for the other games on it. I thought Spider-man 2 sucked, Madden 2005 was ok but not good enough to grab my attention, Feel the Magic had some entertaining moments, Sprung was my second favorite, and Ping Pals, what can I possible say about Ping Pals? I thought it would have been similar to Family Feud or something like that with it's solo game play. But it turned out that Ping Pals was one of the worst games I had the pleasure to purchase or play. I am hoping that the PSP will be different but only time will tell. As long as GTA is on the PSP, then it should be the greatest hand-held ever in my book.
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