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I was talking to a friend of mine today, and it got me thinking, what would happen if I suddenly got bored with gaming? I mean right now I can't go one day without playing a game or at least think about playing a game. The reason I was thinking about this was because my friend used to be a huge gamer back in the day but he had to stop to start working and help around the house, so he doesn't have time for games anymore. I am just glad that companies like Sony and Microsoft help fuel my fire of gaming.

My situation

First off I would like to thank everyone for the encouraging words on my last journal entry. I am feeling so much better. Now on to my situation. I pre-ordered my PSP probably around a month a week ago, paid in full of course. But the lady in the store couldn't tell me if I was on the first or second shipment, meaning I have no idea if I am getting mine on launch day or sometime in mid April. I honestly have no idea what I am going to do, I will probably go up there on launch day to see if I can get one in. Although wouldn't the pre-order standing change since the Sony announcement of one million on launch day? Man I really want mine on the 24th, this is the only thing I have been able to think about since E3 last year. Well if I really have to wait, I guess I could, seems how the game I really want doesn't come out till May (GTA). Now that I think about it, I am going to go up there Thursday and talk with someone about my standing within the pre-order, hopefully I am on the first shipment list. What is so sad is the fact that I was going to pre-order it two weeks before that but I hadn't, and she even told me at the time that only four people had pre-ordered so I guess the saying really is true, don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today. I guess I will know in the future.

And another one bites the dust

Last night was awful. I went into work sick from the day before. Everyone seemed to be mad at me for some reason. I felt like I was drunk, and before you say, "that would be so cool to feel drunk at work, well it didn't. I was dizzy and sick to my stomach all day long. Finally it was break time, so I had went out to my car to go take a nap, figuring that would help, well it didn't. I went back to work worse than before. I just couldn't wait to get the work done and leave. It's funny how when you want the time to go by fast, it will always go slow, but when you want the time to go slow it will move very fast. I am just glad that I feel a lot better. Too bad I still have to work tonight.

What a night

Finally my night comes to an end. I have been up for a good 23 hours, and I am about ready to pass out. It is really hard trying to juggle work and school at the same time. A lot of people just don't understand how difficult it truly is. Even though I am being put through hell right now, I still think it will be worth it in the long run, I mean to know that I will be getting a high paying job in a field that I love, what a thought.

Server trouble

I spent a good chunk of my day trying to fix my server at the house. I just love how something will work one day and then you leave it sit for a week and something goes wrong with it. I just hope that it is really easy to fix, and that it's not the main system board, because I really don't want to dish out money for a whole new motherboard for it. Looks like the plans for my network will have to wait.

Technology owns me

I don't know about everyone else, but I am a huge tech junkie. I don't care what it is, but I always seem to want it. Like when the DVD DL burners came out, I wanted one so bad and I almost got one too. I now have to think about what I would use the new technology for, that why I don't spend all my money on something I will never use. Much like the new DS, I wanted one so bad and finally I got one and bought a few games for it, well when I say a few games I mean six games. I played the DS for a little while, but then it got old and if I am not mistaken it has about an inch of dust on it as we speak. Now I am not putting the DS down, I loved the graphics and had a really great time playing Mario 64ds on it, but I just really didn't care for the other games on it. I thought Spider-man 2 sucked, Madden 2005 was ok but not good enough to grab my attention, Feel the Magic had some entertaining moments, Sprung was my second favorite, and Ping Pals, what can I possible say about Ping Pals? I thought it would have been similar to Family Feud or something like that with it's solo game play. But it turned out that Ping Pals was one of the worst games I had the pleasure to purchase or play. I am hoping that the PSP will be different but only time will tell. As long as GTA is on the PSP, then it should be the greatest hand-held ever in my book.

I need to let it go

I went to one of my local game stores the other day to pre order a game. I went up to the guy at the register and asked if they were doing pre orders for the new Yu Gi Oh game, after that he just started laughing at me. I was so mad, I looked at him and said what is so funny about me pre ordering that game, he said, "I just think you are a little old to be playing Yu Gi Oh games". I was like, I could take my business some where else and just never shop here again. Man I hate people that think just because you play a certain game or you listen to a type of music that makes you a certain type of person. I play Yu Gi Oh games, does that make me a child? I listen to techno, does that make me a nerd? I can't stand this stereotype crap that people love to shove on you. Just because I like violent games, does that mean I like to go around killing people? And that is another thing I can't stand, when this people try and blame all of societies problems on a music group or a video game. Violence has been around long before any video game was ever produced, so why is it to blame now. I am getting angry, so I need to stop.

Grand Theft Auto

I don't know what it is about GTA, but every time I play it I always get sucked in. I remember the very first GTA, I used to play it all the time on my laptop, the graphics weren't really that great but it was the first time I could steal a cop car and then run over the owner of the vehicle. Nothing really great about the second installment but it was still fun to have different weapons. It was when I played GTA 3 for the first time that I was in love, I loved every bit of the game play. I wasted most of my time trying to find all the hidden packages and finding new ways to cause mayhem. Then there was Vice City! The day I could finally ride a motorcycle and fly a plane. I am actually still playing it, well I got the xbox version and decided to beat it. Now I am just riding around trying to cause as much mischief as possible. God I love GTA, now if I can only hold out until SA is released for xbox.