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SquareEnixFan13 Blog

Wow, that looks good....

I recently came upon a game called "I Am Alive" in the March 09 edition of the Game Informer magazine (the preview section), and I looked into it here and on the main website for it and, it looks flipping awesome! It a survival type game, where you spend the whole game in post-earthquake Chicago, and the whole city is in ruins, and you spend the whole time just trying to survive, and by the time you beat the game only 7-9 days have past (Im not sure how many days though). And it really is a breath of fresh air into the survival genre, seeing as they're usually just surviving a giant number of Zombies and/or mutants in a desolate,dark city. Anyway, they have the official trailer for it here on GameSpot if you guys want to watch it. But I just wanted to tell you guys about this game, and I am definitely going to get it once its out, and the release date for it is going to be announced sometime this year, and I cant wait. (Though I usually don't like Survival games.)

Top 4 3D-Platformer Makers

4. Sucker Punch- Sucker Punch is the maker of the well-known Sly Cooper series, where you take the role of a thieving raccoon as he tries to...... well I don't know I haven't played them yet. Sly Cooper has a very fresh almost anime-like graphics (well, I think so), which really brought upon a new look for 3D-platformers. And though I don't know much about the Sly Cooper series, I can tell you that it looks very fun and unique, something any fan of Platformers should definitely try out.

3. Insomniac- Insomniac has brought upon such successful, well-known, franchises such as Spyro The Dragon(1998 ) and Ratchet And Clank(2002), two incredible platformer series. Unfortunately Insomniac was only responsible for the first three original Spyro The Dragon games, and after that they moved on from Spyro to the fresh Ratchet and Clank series in 2002 (and since then the Spyro series has been pretty bad). In Ratchet And Clank you play as the lovable Ratchet with his robo sidekick-Clank. The Ratchet series brought a very new type of Platformer to fans merging shooter gameplay with traditional Platforming tendencies. And I personaly want to thank Insomniac for the great franchises that they have brought to fans of the genre, and they definitely deserve this spot.

2. NaughtyDog- NaughtDog originally pleased fans of the Platformer genre with-Jak And Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, and then brought a fantastic change to the series with Jak 2. Originally Jak And Daxter was a tradional good versus evil, wholesome, well-done Platformer..... until they gave it a very smart and fantastic change to a much darker, more mature game in Jak 2. You see Jak 2 came about right after the GrandTheftAuto series changed the way people play games, and NaughtDog noticed this and learned from it and gave what is Jak 2. And that is why I give them this spot because of their great ability to adapt to the gaming enviroment around them, and we see this with Jak 2.

1. Rare Ltd.- Rare Ltd, to me, are the masters at make unique games, especially Platformers. Incase you don't know Rare is responsible for game franchies like Banjo-Kazooie and Viva Pinata, and has recently given us games like Banjo-Kazooie:Nuts And Bolts, and Kameo:Elements Of Power, and some other titles. But one of the main reasons I am giving Rare this spot is for their succesful revival of the Banjo-Kazooie series. And though Rare may be lacking in sales there quality of games still hasn't went down, they just keep giving us great titles.

So there you go, my top 4 3D-Platformer makers, I hope you enjoyed it, and took your time reading through it.

The PS2, coming to an end?

The PS2 originally came out at the beginning of this decade and has been running since then beating out the competition of it's time-the Nintendo Gamecube, and the original Xbox. The PlayStation 2 is definitely to me ethe best game system of all time, and you have to realize that Sony's long running game system has got to be coming to an end soon. I was at GameStop the other day and they had lists for games you can reserve on the shelves, and the PlayStation 2 had probably only 20 games you could reserve for about this whole year (while the others had atleast that much). So I predict that this system will be put to rest sometime in late 2009, judging by the number of games that are going to come out for it this year. So you guys tell me your opinion, when do you think this long running system is going to come to an end?

Thinking,thinking, and thinking....... and other stuff.

I was with my mother today helping set up a new apartment for my older idiot brother, and I started reading a book he had there which was The Complete Stories And Poems Of Edgar Allen Poe, and he is amazing-a true genius. So I started reading a story entitled "The Pit And The Pendulum" and in a dark sense it is truly beautiful. It really makes you think about life, and also about what an agonizing-truly agonizing-state this man must have been in in order to write these things. But i'm sure that I will order this book sometime so I can read the whole thing. And in other news, I am currently about to beat FinalFantasy I for PSP, and am playing Lost Odyssey,Skate,and FinalFantasy X and I just ordered Kameo:Elements Of Power about 3 days ago so i'm looking forward to playing that.

The Bitter Gamer- Vol. 4 : Are MMORPGs worth it?

Last year brought about many new MMORPGs, lots of them were vaunted over like the new War Hammer game. So any gamer who has ears and eyes can see how well these games are going over, people are going crazy! I just don't understand why a person would pay full price for a game, and then pay extra every month in order to play the stupid thing. Many people make the excuse that " Well you get to play with other players, and test your skill, and the game is endless.", if you want to play with other players invite one of your friends over and play a multiplayer game, and destroy them that will test your skill. And if you want the endless part, get a free-roam game like Bully. And what is this RPG crap, yeah sure they have fantasy elements, but they are by far not a role-playing game, RPGs aren't about some guy you don't know killing you over and over again and typing a bunch of profane things, they're about deep storylines and great characters, and getting you involved and thinking, and MMOs offer none of that. I must admit that for about a year and a half I played an MMORPG called Sherwood MMORPG, but it was free. And the endless barrage of MMOs doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon so tell me what do you think of all the MMORPGs coming out recently?

Ahhhhhh Nostalgia..........

So I went to a local town today with my mother and grandmother, and they went into the GoodWill store and I saw something that gave me a warm fuzzy feeling, a Sega Genisis, including the controller a really big joystick, and a Sonic The HedgeHog game. It was very nice to see the Genisis especially once I read the letters that said 16-bit on the front. Unfortunately they had a pretty big price tag on it of $60 for the whole lot, so I didn't buy it. But, I just wanted to tell you guys that, and also I plan on buying an SNES sometime, so I was wondering how much are the games for the SNES like how much would ChronoTrigger and the Banjo-Kazooie stuff cost?

Games I bought this month-Jan 09

1. FinalFantasy X-9.3 (PS2)

2. FinalFantasy VII: Dirge Of Cerberus-6.0 (PS2)

3. SonicTheHedgeHog-4.4 (Xbox360-My dad bought me this one)

4. T.M.N.T.-6.4 (Xbox360-My dad bought me this one too)

5. Breath Of Fire: Dragon Quarter-8.0 (PS2)

6. Xenosaga 2-7.8 (PS2)

7. Rogue Galaxy-8.0 (PS2-I think I bought this this month)

8. Lost Planet:Extreme Condition-8.1 (Xbox360)

9. Lost Odyssey-7.5 (Xbox360)

10. FinalFantasy IX-8.5 (PSX)

11. DarkCloud 2-9.0 (PS2)

Wow, I buy alot of games..... yet I don't care hmmmmm. Well, I have beaten none of these games so far because I just keep buying games and getting more to juggle. Slightly sad, yet beautiful. :)

More Choices

I bought Lost Odyssey the other day but now I need some more help (no wise-cracks). So my next to choices for a game are this: Enchanted Arms and Blue Dragon. I'm not really sure which one to get but I'm leaning towards Blue Dragon, but you guys: start voting!

The Bitter Gamer- Vol. 3: Actions Games, Going Overboard?

Lasy year, according to GameInformer Magazine 25 out of the top 50 games of the year were..... you guessed it action games, and the rest of the game genres were in small numbers with RPGs have only 5 of the top 50 games of the year (but take away Fallout 3). Do you remember in the days of the original PlayStation and even in the PlayStation 2 era, were they're was a very nice balance among games, it was a very nice time for gamers everybody had what they wanted. But now, well now, they're is such a massive amount of action games on the market that it isn't possible for all gamers to get what they want, for example, I probably can only count 6 or 7 RPGs for the X360. Also think of some of the biggest releases of last year FarCry 2, Gear Of War 2, Left 4 Dead, BioShock, DevilMayCry 4, and don't forget GrandTheftAuto IV. Now think of an RPG that had just as much hype to it as all those action games, I can't think of one. The thing is game makers are paying way to much attention to the "evolving gamer", and thinking action games are what is going to please all the gamers out there, and instead of doing that they really need to pay attention to more game genres than just action games. So what do you think are game makers going overboard with all the action games or is this completely unstable status of the gaming industry completely fine hmmm?

Funny FF and other stuff.

I was playing FinalFantasy I the other day and I went to an Elf village and there were 3 gravestones in a row at a certain part of the village, one said "You see a gravestone." and the next one said the same thing and the last one said "Here lies Link." anyway I just thought that was funny as if SquareSoft was saying "Zelda is dead, make room for FinalFantasy!". Also I got my XBOX360 Pro version yesterday from Dell, and today I got FinalFantasy IX in the mail. But I have a question it's about my first 360 game that I'm going to get tommorrow which one should I get Blue Dragon,Lost Odyssey,Eternal Sonota, or Infinite Undiscovery anyway guys give me your vote I need to know what game to get by tommorrow so type away.