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SquareEnixFan13 Blog

The Bitter Gamer-Vol. 2: Fallout 3 an RPG!?

Fallout 3 "one of the biggest releases of 2008" is considered by alot of people an RPG, and according to the people at the VGAs it's worth RPG of the year....what!? Fallout 3 is set in a Postapocalyptic Washington D.C. where you play as a guy who is trying to.... do something that most likely ends in him shooting something; hmmm, it's sounds alot like an action game. Never before have I seen such a bloody shooter type RPG, I mean the blood and gore in this game is everywhere it's as if everything is a high-pressure sack full of blood and guts, not to mention it's a first person shoote..... uhhhh, RPG :). It seems to me that now-a-days a game can be an RPG as long as it has a story and is completely over-hyped (like Fallout 3, that's gonna hurt), almost every game has a story it's a common trait in games except for all those dreaded music games. Also I find it important to tell you that the other nominees for best RPG were Warhammer Online: Age Of Reckoning, Fable 2, and The World Ends With You, well atleast 2 of them were good RPGs personally I think The World Ends With You should have won. So thank you Bethseda for not leaving well-enough alone, like everyone else in the 12 years that Fallout was gone!

2009: Good year for gaming.

Well, 2009 looks like it is going to be a very good year for gaming, better than 08 seeing as all of 2008's "big games" were actually just action games. But anyway heres a list of the great games that are coming out in 2009.

1. PSP-FinalFantasy: Dissidia

2. PSP-FinalFantasy XIII:Agito (hopefully)

3. PSP-KingdomHearts:Birth By Sleep

4. PSP-Patapon 2: Don Chaka

5. DS-KingdomHearts:358/2 Days

6. DS-Suikoden:Tierkreis

7. DS-Blood Of The Bahamut (hopefully)

8. X360-StarOcean:The Last Hope

9. PS3-FinalFantasy XIII:Versus (hopefully)

10. PS3-White Knight Chronicles

11. Multi-OverLord II

So, yeah, it definitely looks like 2009 is going to be a great year for RPG games, which is good because last year wasn't. And for the love of all that is holy do not say Fallout 3 is an RPG, it's not!!!

Top 4 RPG makers.

4. Level 5- Level 5's work in the DarkCloud series and Rogue Galaxy were, to me, all- around great with Rogue Galaxy being my favorite from them. If you have played these games you would most-likely know how great they are, and that is why Level 5 is one of the top 4 RPG makers to me.

3. Konami- For those of you not acquainted with Konami, they are the makers of the well known (sort-of) Suikoden series which is probably what they are most known for. All-together Konami has had 6 entries into the Suikoden series, though one wasn't of the actual series but it was rather a tactical game. Quite possibly some of the most likable parts of the Suikoden games are the 108 stars of destiny which you are able to collect, and the choice of gathering many people into your castle which is basically your HQ. So, if just for the Suikoden series alone, Konami definitely deserves a spot on this countdown.

2. Bandai Namco- Bandai Namco is the creator of both the Tales series and the awesome Xensaga series, and known for both. I have bought all of the Xenosaga series and they are pure genius, on the other hand the Tales series I have played none of but I would definitely like to. Now for any RPG fans who haven't taken part in the Xenosaga series should do so, you will most likely be blown away. And that is why Bandai Namco deserves the number 2 spot on this list.

And here it comes the moment you all have been waiting for, or so I would like to beleive, and I really hope you didn't sneak a peak at the number 1 spot, though it would most-likely be impossible to not do so, but try COME ON!!!!! Anyway here it is........ :)

1. SquareEnix- What is to be said about Square Enix except that they have made themselves a true RPG juggernaut, and most-likely the most succesful of all RPG makers. They are the creators of FinalFantasy and have been since 1987. They have made 12 entries into the FinalFantasy series (13 if you count X-2) and have created many other succesful RPG franchises such as the KingdomHearts series and the Chrono series. Through and through Square Enix has always made itself to be a succesful RPG maker and deserves the number 1 spot on my list.

What The.......?

For some reason when I hit add game while looking at a game it just reopens the same window, and if I click on add game in the new window it won't do anything either, can someone help me?

The Bitter Gamers-Vol.1: Game of the Year!?-2.0

As a continuation of my last article, Spike TV's VGA's (VideoGameAwards) selected GrandTheftAuto IV as the game of the year, now this is exactly like what I was talking about in my last article! Once again an action game won another award, it's like there praising the terrible things that go on in these games! All I can say is the people that make these types of games must be deranged. I wonder what tpye of awards RPG's won last year? Where was Eternal Sonata's (PS3) award? What about Persona 4? Where were these games awards? I must say I am pretty disappointed with the VGA's this year, and I'm sure any RPG/Platformer fans like me who saw the VGA's this year are most-likely disappointed aswell.

And people who read (and like :)) this blog can look forward to more of them because I'm going to be typing them till' I run out of negative things to say about the gaming industry. (It could be a while)

New consoles coming too soon?

I was at GameStop today (bought Xenosaga 2 and Breath Of Fire: Dragon Quarter by the way) and one of the managers at the store mentioned to another guy there that the new line of consoles are coming late in 2010, of course since I don't even have any of the current consoles (Im going to get the 360) I think it's coming a little to soon, though they have been out for probably 2 1/2 years now. Anyway you guys can state your opinions on the matter if you want, so type away!

The Bitter Gamer-Vol.1: Game of the Year!?

Well, I know this may have been a little late in the coming but I still decided to address the issue anyway so here goes.

So the game of the year according to GameSpot was MetalGearSolid 4: Guns Of The Patriots, and when I first saw this I actually was somewhat aggervated about it. With such a wide range of action games coming out recently I thought 'well, what a suprise an action game won'. I mean they have been coming out with a giant amount of action games for the newest consoles, really you should think about it, in these games there are no morals, you do whatever you want, you know like in GrandTheftAuto 4 you can go up to someone on the streets and murder them in coldblood, or find a prostitute at night and " have some fun", it's truly terrible. And what about in Gears Of War 2 where you use chainsaws to cut your enemies in half, which really isn't something I would want to do even in a game! So yeah, I'm disappointed with the "Game Of The Year" though there were so many action games to draw a persons attention away from actually good games who can you blame except for the actual gaming industry?

Final Fantasy News

Well, I have recently obtained some new information on the upcoming string of FinalFantasy games (well, some of them) and I wanted to share it with everybody who looks at my profile, and by the way all of this information stems from the GameInformer magazines that I have a subscription to. (And this information is from the October 08 GI, and the January 09 GI Magazines) So here it is....

Final Fantasy: Dissidia (PSP)- " The cast promises some awesome clashes, including the likes of Garland, Kefka, Squall, Zidane, and more. Ahero from Final Fantasy VI is conspicuously absent at this point.... we just hope it isn't Gau. A North American release of Dissidia is likely in 2009, though Square Enix hasn't provided any official confirmation. "

Final Fantasy XIII: Agito (PSP)- " Initially thought to be a card game, Agito is actually an action game in the vein of Crisis Core that features a party system so you aren't always fighting solo. In fact, you can play multiplayer by forming a group with your friends. Like all of the Final Fantasy XIII projects, no release date for Agito has been provided. "

Final Fantasy XIII (360, and PS3)- " We're hearing the the release date for Final Fantasy XIII is starting to come into view. Square Enix plans to bring the game out in Japan during the 2009 holiday season, with a U.S. release sometime in 2010. This could be as early as summer 2010 or as late as holiday 2010. "

Now that's all I got for now but if I get anymore information I'll be posting it here. And also the first 2 pieces of information were from the October 08 edition of GI, and the last piece is from the January 09 edition of GI. Hope you enjoyed it.

Games I beat this year. (2008)

Well what a year for ga (ming it was for me, I finally found the types of games I like (RPG's and Platformers), I played alot of awesome games this year that I am proud to have played, and here are all the games I beat this year.


2.KingdomHearts 2

3. FinalFantasy 12

4. FinalFantasy 7: Dirge Of Cerberus

5.FinalFantasy 7: Crisis Core

6.Jak 2

7.Jak 3

8. Daxter

9.Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters

10. Bully

So, yes, this has been a very good year for games for me since every single one of these games I enjoyed playing. (With the exception of R&C: Size Matters)

And I'm 99% sure that I played other games this year but these are the only ones I can remember. :)

Game Lists

Well to summarize ( if you didn't draw anything from the topic) this is just going to be a list of games and stuff about games (like my favorite games, and etc.).

Favorite Games: Kingdomhearts 1 & 2, KOTOR 1, FinalFantasy X, Xenosaga 1 ( i haven't played 3 yet though), and FinalFantasy Tactics: The War Of The Lions

Favorite PSP game: FinalFantasy Tactics: The War Of The Lions (Though I still haven't beaten Patapon yet)

Favorite GameCube game: ..... uh Well here's my favorite 3 Paper Mario-The Thousand Year Door, Metroid Prime, and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Favorite PS2 game: Top 3 again Kingdom Hearts 2, Xenosaga 1, and FinalFantasy X

Favorite PS Game(s): Top 3..... Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy VII, and Legend Of Legaia