Upcoming goodies.
by Squids-Ahoy on Comments
I started compiling a list of the upcoming games that I'm particularly excited for in the upcoming time frame. If you haven't heard of some, then for gods sake go take a look. Hellgate London (PC): Hellgate London appears to be the only attempt to take Diablo to the next level by making it skill based instead of twitch based, and adding a psuedo-modern feel to it. Swords are still there for the swinging, but now there are guns! Among the newly minted screens that gamespot christened, a particular favorite has a fellow with a nasty looking assault rifle sticking it to the hordes of the damned. Excitement to follow. The plot basically follows the invasion of hell beasts on Earth and the resulting fight between the zealots and the beasties. It's a pretty flimsy plot as most of these things are, but dang it looks tasty. Sporting some smooth multiplayer options like coop (which is all it needs), this game definitley looks like a hit. Tekken Dark Resurrection (PSP): Tekken Dark Resurrection does the humane thing by kicking street fighter alpha max 3 in the balls. It looks great, it has a ton of options, and looks to be pretty much perfect sans a real online multiplayer setting. Eddie Gordo ftw. Bioshock (PC): Holy Christ, from the people who brought one of the creepiest fps games ever comes another creepy fps. Bathed in sci-fi mumbus jumbus, Bioshock takes place on an underwater facility around 1960 or so. The plot follows a hapless character to goes around to take a look see and stays because his sub is destroyed and there are a lot of beasties trying to kill him. It has some splashes of rpg elements in npc interaction as well as character upgrades. Expect life to be good in 2007. Final Fantasy III (DS): I don't think this really needs an explanation, it's the only final fantasy never to reach the US. Now, courtesy of our friends at Squeenix, it looks much nicer than a straight nintendo port. Woopie. Huxley (PC/Xbox 360): A progressive online fps/rpg akin to Battlefield? Wait for it... Huxley promises something for everybody, and a flexible system that allows newbies to play with oldies without upsetting the balance of power. The rocket launcher won't make you a king. Check this guy out, it's going to be a winner. Parfait Station (PC): You've never heard of this game, don't pretend you have. It's a korean mmo by the same guys who did wiki and whatever else they did, but this one looks sweet in the gameplay department. Basically, wasd moves your character from an overhead perspective, and the mouse aims where you want to put the hurt. It sounds pretty simple, and it is, but the gameplay vids look enticing. The downside: the FBI is going to knock on your door, all of the characters are little girls. Knnnnnnnyu. Sony (PS3): It's not actually a game, but I'm soooooooo damn curious how this one is going to turn out. Whenever I look at the games I think to myself "Hmmm, this really doesn't look that much better than a Xbox". They don't seem to have a killer ap, just a bs Killzone video. It's expensive as all hell. And yet it seems to me that Sony is right where it wants to be... So that's my list of goodies. Show me yours.
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