@VegasDawg @Diegoctba OK, I'll bite -- You know what's really, really sad? You complaining about him complaining about people complaining. Let's keep it going!
I don't see why companies make mmorpgs based on existing rpg franchises. ES fans already know if they like mmorpgs (so did kotor fans and final fantasy fans). People's like or dislike of online gaming cuts deeper that their love of a particular franchise. So all this kind of thing can do is alienate fans. ONLY es fans who like mmorpgs will buy this -- and split across 3 systems Bethesda won't get a big enough install base. People who like es but not mmorpgs will skip, and I'm betting that fans of mmorpgs won't come over to es (from their favorite franchises) unless the game is REALLY good.
As many have mentioned, Minsk and Boo (that's a sidekick with his own sidekick), and Murray from Monkey Island would be up there for me too. Not sure if they're sidekicks or party members, but Vivi and Rydia kick some ass too -- and Fran, although I think she's Balthier's sidekick, not the player's.
Dear Johnny, I am offended at your comment about Americans eating Irish people. As an American, I can assure you that we eat all kinds of people. I know that we get a bad reputation in the press for being prejudiced; and, if I am being totally honest, some of us are. But a majority of Americans are just good-hearted people willing to eat anyone.
None of my friends are gamers... Maybe that's why I never got into online gaming. My friends' preferences might determine what bar I go to after work, but not what games I buy. I'm getting a PS4 for starters; I hope it will have good single-player games.
I guess I put too much time into rating every game I ever played. I invested too much mental energy trying to decide if some game deserved an 8 or a 8.5. Now it seems like all the ratings from before the transition are gone. That kinda sucks. I'm sure the glitches will be worked out and people will figure out how configure adblock so they can watch videos. Still, why fix what wasn't broken?
Good job Johnny. I think it is the right decision to collect the comments that are insightful or funny, but there's no need to provide an extra venue for people who are abusive. I come to this site precisely because the reviewers take more into consideration than the controls and the polygon count. If a game makes the reviewer uncomfortable because of the content, that's useful information for the consumer. If a particular consumer isn't fazed by misogyny, then they can just ignore that component of the review. But what's wrong with the reviewer telling us this? It might be useful to those of us who care about the moral component of a game.
StammBladecastr's comments