@i_p_daily said:
@davillain- said:
@i_p_daily: I'll play along. How is 4.2 million PSVR sales is consider bad? No one didn't expect VR as a whole to be easy to sell. Some sells is better then no sales.
Because VR nutjobs will be claiming it to be a success when its a colossal failure. When you have a userbase of 106 million and less than 5% buys the VR component even after multiple sales and more than 3yrs on the market its a failure.
Put it this way the Kinect sold more in 90 days than the PSVR has sold lifetime, and we all know the Kinect was a failure right?
Lemming Propaganda Network has, as usual, left out vital information on purpose. We've covered this territory many many times, and yet you continue to parrot the same things like a malfunctioning bot.
Kinect was nowhere near the cost of a PSVR (which, included with the Move controllers, was in many places MORE than the price of a console itself!), and Kinect was a forced pack-in as well (numbers which MS used often). If Kinect cost as much as a PSVR, it would have been around 5% or lower too. The difference between PSVR's 5% is that VR has strong allies outside too who are seeing a rise in success (Index and Oculus sales have steadily gone up over the years, and VR becoming more popular and more searched across the world). Kinect, on the other hand, was an island of tech buffoonery, never to be seen again nor talked about. It's only trotted out in arguments like this to boast about numbers due to a cheaper price and forced bundles. Notice not a single one is talking about the games/software it had or its future potential. It had none, and actually angered many Xbox One fans. There are words used by them to describe the Xbox One Kinect in comments sections that I can't repeat here!
When you "win" this way, all you've really won is pity.
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