To answer the question the thread asked, "why would a president do that?"
It's all part of Trump's strategy, attack and deflect. A PRESIDENT never should have done that. We should hold our elected officials to a higher standard, but sadly his supporters give him a pass. It's ok for a President to disagree, but instead of talking about climate policy, he stoops down to insults and insinuates that she's a kid and should focus on going to movies. Pathetic for a president.
Also, I want to say something to all the Trump supporters on this board that defend this behavior.
YOU are the reason fascism exists in the world, YOU stand by as our leaders attack political opponents, immigrants, the poor etc. When YOU should be standing against it. It starts small with rhetoric talk, then rights get taken away from immigrants and the poor. Then laws pass that limit Democracy. Trump's playbook reeks of FASCISM. And shame of ANYONE that defends his Fascist policies.
If you support Trump you need to take a look in the mirror.........and ask yourself if this is who I want to be. Attacking the poor, attacking immigrants, attacking those who have different political ideology. Those that are ok with this I have no respect for, I DO NOT take anything you say seriously.
I just don't get it. No one on this board is a millionaire. And no one on this board will ever be a millionaire. All the good things Trump does for the rich will never apply to YOU. Never. So why do you vote against your best interests? You have more in common with a homeless person than you do a millionaire. You also are more likely to be homeless than become a millionaire.
End Rant/
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