I'm playing the game right now, and I think people are over reacting about the micro transactions. Yes they are there and there are too many of them, but I'm level 31 in the game and have put quite a bit of time in and I've never felt pressured or felt like the micro transactions have been put in my face annoyingly. In fact I don't even know how to spend real money on them.
I felt like the game gives you in game currency at a good rate to buy new guns and apparel, and I'm leveling up and finding skill points at a decent rate as well. I don't feel like i'm being held back.
HOWEVER the game has some flaws.
1. The social hub feels straight out of Destiny and is a vast departure from Wildlands. It doesn't feel needed either as you can access PVP and COOP through the menus.
2. The game has to be always online. This is my biggest gripe with the game. Wildlands could be played offline solo, so I feel like there's no point in why this has be connected to the internet to play.
3. No AI team mates. Once again Wildlands has this, and it made playing solo a little easier as you could do sync shots. There's a drone sync shot option but it's a consumable and you're limited to it's use. I hear rumors that AI squad mates will be added, so maybe this will get fixed.
4. The enemy AI is dumb, and the robots are basically bullet sponges. I'm playing on normal so maybe the more advanced difficulty will fix this, but IDK.
5. There's glitches. Guns disappear from my hands, my co op team mates ride outside of their vehicles, etc. Nothing game breaking but they are there.
I'm enjoying the game as it's basically wildlands when playing with a friend. I'd give it a soft 7 out of 10.
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