@noah364 @StarsiderSajun @warriors30 I don't even know if I could play through it again, as much as I want to. It's sort of that feeling that makes you very sad but yet makes you feel alive, so in a way it's a good feeling.
@youre_a_sheep @StarsiderSajun @simsumre Demeaning the game into something as simple as putting a little girl in the midst of a ton of zombies and then "profiting" is negativity. Don't know what definition you've been going by.
@Aleksanian Whereas TWD offers limited gameplay and limited challenge, it evokes much more emotion out of the player, or has the potential to if you're able to enjoy it. Sure those older ones had a bit more gameplay and challenge, but they never struck me as much as TellTale's newer stuff has.
@udubdawgz1 You both sound exactly like my best friend. =) He did not like TWD or TLOU, citing that it was cliched among other things. I think it's kind of silly though, you could say that most things are cliched, it just depends on whether or not you as a person find that story interesting or rehashed.
I stick by what I tell him though, that how you approach a game, what expectations (possibly unwarranted) you have for, will determine whether or not you are able to enjoy it. If you go into something like TWD knowing that it is more like watching a film, and accepting that ahead of time, then you may be able to truly enjoy the singular experience that it offers.
@D0BR0 The show is fine and all but I feel that it's overrated, except for a few episodes here and there that really got to me. The TellTale game on the other hand is an entirely different matter. It's amazing in it's own right.
@Arda_Daghan212 I just wish more people would post their comments like yours. Stating your opinion is fine and all so long as you know that it's subjective and others can tell that you know that from your post. =)
I'm with you though. I'm not fond of turn based games and when I do play them I prefer the ones that innovate in some way, such as Paper Mario or Child of Light. The XCOM style of turn based is fine and all as well.
@anab0lic Yeah... I found Dragon Age to be more than enjoyable, on the console as opposed to the pc. Sometimes it's nice not to have to deal with all the pc crap, games crashing or not working to begin with for example.
StarsiderSajun's comments