[QUOTE="Stavrogin_"]I'd hate this to turn into a religious debate and me being the one who starts it, but i just can't can't understand how someone who's aware of the scale of the universe still believes in an anthropomorphic god. He created this vastness and put us i this small planet on the periphery of a small and insignificant galaxy, waited for few thousand years and then revealed his true nature to some people in the desert, then gave them a book full of contradictions. I'm stumped.PS2_ROCKSPerhaps he did the same thing on every planet that he created to support life. How should we know? But that would mean that us humans aren't that special, and we all know that's not the case :P This quote captures the essence of religion perfectly in my opinion. "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshiped anything but himself."
Stavrogin_'s forum posts
Really? So there was no such person as Pontius Pilate who governed for the Romans?Well the bible is a collection of myths most of them taken from other cultures and there are a lot of events and people that are unverifiable at best, however i must take into account that what the bible says corresponds to existing cities and locations at the time. To conclude, i think at least some parts of the bible are true but most of them aren't. That's why the bible as a whole book should not be counted as historical fact.[QUOTE="Stavrogin_"]The bible differs completely from every other historical books, so no.Planet_Pluto
[QUOTE="Stavrogin_"]What's Stirnerian? :| The view of Max Stirner, a philosopher... :)I don't believe that EVERYONE should be doing it, but from my Stirnerian point of view, i don't see a moral problem in cheating if i ever get the wish to.
[QUOTE="Stavrogin_"]Anyone else upset that there won't be tax increases for the rich? I don't even live there and i'm still upset that the rich got away yet again. BMD004What do you mean the rich "got away" again? They already pay the highest percentage of taxes... I'm sorry i'm not very familiar with US politics, but i thought i read somewhere that the taxes on the rich are at an all-time low.
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