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StillFreeTagger Blog

The Dark Knight and 3 New Games!

I saw The Dark Knight! BEST MOVIE EVER! Words can't describe it! Heath's performance kills Jack's!

Awesomeness out the wazoo.

I also got three new Xbox games...

1. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

2. Red Ninja: Fall of Honor

3. Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus (from John Tobias of Mortal Kombat)

What a day! What a day I tell ya!

MK vs DCU: Joker Render

Four characters were announced for Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe last week at Comic-Con. They are: The Joker, Green Lantern, Jax and Kitana. A render for the Joker has been released...


Things on my mind...

I just have a few things on my mind that I wanna talk about. I figured y'all would listen and I would enjoy your opinions or feedback on the topics I'm about to discuss...

1. Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe

First off, Midway has just released a render of one of my favorite Kombatants, Liu Kang!

I am so diggin' that belt! I'd rip his spine out for that belt!

They've also released a render of Captain Marvel on the DC side.

Pretty cool eh?

But I am a bit concerned. Not about the game, heavens no! The game is turning out great! It's about those who are interested in it. I've recently read blogs where people are only interested in the DC characters and barely know jack about MK! I know the game is for both fanbases, but it wouldn't hurt to do a little research about the MK universe! I'm a big MK fan and I hate to toot my own horn, but I know just about every little detail about the MK franchise. In fact, I may make a Kombat quiz for you all. Look out!

2. Falling Behind

It sucks. I only have four Wii games and one 360 game while the rest of y'all are basically cornering the market! Sure, I enjoy going back and playing oldies, but I gotta break the mold sometime! Here are the two factors that are keeping me from getting more games for said two systems...

-Gas prices and economy.

-The fact that there are no video game stores near my area.

The closest Play N Trade, Gamestop and Game Haven are in Knoxville. It only takes 40 minutes to get to Knoxville from where I live, but it's all about gas and money! We used to go to Knoxville every weekend before gas prices rocketed! We used to go every weekend and see a movie and I'd usually return home with a new addition to my VG collection! Now we're lucky if we even get to go. Our dog grooming family bis is slow and we only have enough cash to pay bills and feed ourselves. If gas prices weren't so high, more people would be going on vacation and leaving their dogs with us! We'd be earning big bucks and I would have had GTAIV like when it first came out! I GOTTA CATCH UP!

Fall is approaching fast and there are a lot of games I gotta grab before then!

3. Sega

I'm still a Sonic fan, even with this 'thing' they call Sonic and the Black Knight! Instead of focusing on a new Sonic game every few months, they should focus their efforts on other series! Bring back Jet Set Radio! I've been waiting forever for the return of my favorite graffiti series! Hell, focus on making a next-gen Dreamcast! Do something else other than making me look like the only true, loyal Sonic fan anymore!

4. Quiz

Uhh yeah, I wanna post a quiz, but I have a problem. When I go to Quiz My Friends and click on Make a Quiz, it always comes up with a "Cannot Find Page" screen. Help!

-Please and Thanx

SFT's thoughts on Sonic and the Black Knight Pt. 2

Ok, sorry for the harsh words and mouth of a sailor yesterday. I was just mad and still am a bit. I'm just tired of Sega peddling out fifty Sonic games a year and completely ruining my rounds of keeping the community in check.

Sega should take example from Midway games, the creators of Mortal Kombat. Back in the 90s, MK was known as the best arcade fighing game ever! People would line up in malls and around street corners just to get into the arcade to play it!

However, Midway was milking the franchise a bit too far. Around the late 90s, people (exception of true fans) began to abandon the series. Midway kept releasing game after game, usually being an updated port of the previous. That and the failure of the second movie caused MK to go quiet. John Tobias left Midway and the world wondered if the series would ever return?

Then three years later, Mortal Kombat returned to the gaming world in full 3D and a new style of fighting! Fans and advid players gathered to play the revival of the series, Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance.

Like Mortal Kombat, I think Sega should take there time and work on a Sonic game like every two years or so. It worked for Midway when Mortal Kombat was down and hell, Nintendo releases a Mario platformer every five years or so and gets a lot of praise. If Sega would slow down, work their damned hardest on a new Sonic title and maybe take a little time to work on their others series (Jet Set Radio perhaps?) the community would be a better place.

SFT's thoughts on Sonic and the Black Knight

I may be a huge Sonic fan, but don't go thinking "oh SFT must have been jumping for joy when he saw this cover of Nintendo Power!". I wasn't.

The fact is, I already don't like Sonic and the Black Knight! I don't! I could hardly tolerate Arabian Nights in Sonic and the Secret Rings! Sega has the nerve to send the Blue Blur into medievil times...with a sword?! No way!

I loved the idea of giving Shadow guns, and Sonic becoming a werehog? Whoa, hold onto your hat awesome!

Sega is totally f*cking up everything I've worked for! Sonic fans are becoming really scarce, and I've busted my @$$ trying to convince that the series isn't dead! All I hear on the Sonic forums is fans fighting and b*tching at each other! This game is going to make things worse! I'm sorry, but for once (or at least for now) I'm not following Sonic on this one. Y'all on the Sonic forums can go f*ck yourselves!

R.I.P. Micheal Ward

No he is not famous, but he was a good man.

Yesterday, around 4:30 PM, Micheal Ward drowned at Cocoa Beach Florida whiling saving his daughter and her friend. Micheal Ward was the father of my friend Logan. Logan's sister and a friend were caught up in rip tides and Micheal swam out to save them. They survived, but he did not. Lifeguards rushed to the scene, a nearby surfer was able to recover Micheal's body. At exactly 5:03 PM, he died.

It is sad and we're all shedding tears down here for him. He was a good man, a loving husband and father. He gave his life for his daughter's and that is a beautiful thing.

I know you all didn't know him, but as my friends I ask that you give a moment of silence or prayer for him and the Ward family.

-Thank You and God Bless us all.

Avatar: The Last Airbender Series Finale

I just got done watching the series finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender and it was uber sweet! Best finale I've ever seen in my life!

I don't know if anyone here is a fan, but I surely am. Yes I am a bit sad that the series is coming to an end, but maybe it's best. Hell, maybe it isn't truely over. Like Star Wars, Aliens and Predator, game developers and novelists alike may go on to expand the universe of Avatar. Only time will tell.

If any of you who enjoy the series missed the big finish, try to catch a rerun. You won't be disappointed.

Maybe now I'll finally go back and finish that Avatar/Zelda crossover I started two years ago.

-One love

This is SFT

I'm bored. Too lazy to review at the moment and nothing real important to blog about. I guess I'll just give five facts about myself.

1. Born and raised (til 10) in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

2. Kinda chubby.

3. First game ever played was Mortal Kombat at age 3 on the Sega Genesis.

4. Shaggy brown hair and blue eyes.

5. 16 years old and I still enjoy cartoons. It's hard for me to watch something like CSI or According to Jim.

There ya go...for now.