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#1 Stonin
Member since 2006 • 3021 Posts


Intels new lebralee will have oepn gl you will not need dx 10 any more when it comes out for pc. There will be a engine for programs to use as well.

Surely you mean Larrabee?

Lets wait and see how this unproven, unadopted tech takes off shall we before hailing the end of DirectX. Of course what everyone wants is Intel dominating the GPU and CPU markets, fun times for us all and I hope you have deep pockets.

here is the facts hardware companies notice pc gamers they are moving in on them because they are willing to pay money for the hot best games known to man.

exmaple crysis

it has always been like that

That doesn't even make sense as a statement so I really can't answer it sorry.

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#2 Stonin
Member since 2006 • 3021 Posts

far cry just trys to copy real life

crysis just trys to copy real life

the developers have no imagination at all

crysis is the exact same **** as far cry.

atleast unreal tournament 3 has different levels/locations from previous unreals.


The nanosuit alone adds more depth to the gameplay than anything in UT3.

If they had no imagination at all can you show me the alien ship that they copied for the game?

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#3 Stonin
Member since 2006 • 3021 Posts

because people bandwagon jump all the of duty is just the new trend...hell i own call of duty 2...and i think it sucks...i mean it's alright...but so boring/slow compared to unreal deathmatch.

there's no sense in even buying cod4 it's just a total rehash nothing new.

So earlier you said UT3 was very similar to UT99 and you don't know why people were complaining cause that was a great game....yet put COD4 down because it is a rehash (totally different setting, weapons, story, multiplayer but lets forget that shall we).

UT3 is a fast pacer shooter but I hate it for exactly that. Why didn't you say at the start of the thread; I hate slow paced shooters and UT3 is the best face paced, twitch shooter available?

You need to play some COD4 before knocking it, it has UT3 beat in every department. You say people are bandwagon'ing COD4 but you'll find that only happens if it hooks people in at the start. Why didnt UT3 get 'bandwagoned'?

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#4 Stonin
Member since 2006 • 3021 Posts

Intels new lebralee will have oepn gl you will not need dx 10 any more when it comes out for pc. There will be a engine for programs to use as well.

Surely you mean Larrabee?

Lets wait and see how this unproven, unadopted tech takes off shall we before hailing the end of DirectX. Of course what everyone wants is Intel dominating the GPU and CPU markets, fun times for us all and I hope you have deep pockets.

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#5 Stonin
Member since 2006 • 3021 Posts

Everyone thinks crysis has the best everything bs.

unreal tournament 3 deathmatch owns crysis /thread


Why do you keep /thread'ing your own thread? *Facepalm*.

No, people don't think Crysis is the best everything, just the best graphics and most engaging single player experience for a shooter in 2007.

Those are facts that you can't seem to accept for some reason.

looks is a opinion.

i think ut3 looks much better.

crysis is nothing more than far cry with better graphics and physics.


ut3's gameplay is proven.....crysis/far cry multiplayer isnt.

call of duty 4 is nothing more than call of duty 2 or call of duty 1 in modern times nothing new or great.

call of duty sucks though.

unreal tournament 3 is much better.

So explain why more people play COD4 than UT3. You can't can you?

Looks might be 'opinion' but the technical achievements of Crysis are not, they are fact, and it is bar none, the greatest technical feat of graphics and physics to ever be seen in a game.

IYO UT3 is the best shooter but most other people disagree. I'm glad you like it but what is with trying to prove it is better than other games? IS the population so low you now need to trick others into playing with you? :P.

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#6 Stonin
Member since 2006 • 3021 Posts

Heh, and there was me thinking the UT3 grass textures vs Crysis grass textures was going to win my 'most stupid post of the week' award when along comes another strong contender!

BRB Just getting some popcorn.

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#7 Stonin
Member since 2006 • 3021 Posts

Everyone thinks crysis has the best everything bs.

unreal tournament 3 deathmatch owns crysis /thread


Why do you keep /thread'ing your own thread? *Facepalm*.

No, people don't think Crysis is the best everything, just the best graphics and most engaging single player experience for a shooter in 2007.

Those are facts that you can't seem to accept for some reason.

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#8 Stonin
Member since 2006 • 3021 Posts

This thread is so full of fail yet having said I was leaving I feel strangely compelled to return to watch the ownage. So once again:

UT3 has been given the cold shoulder by the community because it is just another re-hash of a tired formula.

UT3 looks ok but even Bioshock, which uses the same engine, manages to look better overall.

Crysis is just streets ahead of UT3 in both single player gameplay and graphics. Multiplayer in Crysis is pretty sucky but then it's not much better in UT3.

COD4 is the new online shooter to play. Don't believe me? Just look at the number of UT3 servers to COD4 (on PS3, 360 or PC) and you'll find its an embarrassing loss for one of the great shooter franchises.

You have hip-hopped from grass textures to missing online physics and then to which version is better than another. What point are you actually trying to make? I'm sure some textures in UT3 do look better than some textures in Crysis but what does it matter? When you play them Crysis is obviously a much better looking game in every aspect other than its artistic merit which is subjective.

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#9 Stonin
Member since 2006 • 3021 Posts

The grass texture sucks therefore this game looks bad.

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#10 Stonin
Member since 2006 • 3021 Posts

[QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"]I take it you're not running Crysis on good settings.woobabooba

its on max.

Show another screen then.

He could well be running on max as this will have virtually no impact on the grass texture itself. The fact is that the grass is but one small texture in Crysis that is covered by other moving grasses, shrubs, trees and various large leaved plants whereas UT3 is just flat Flat and boring with no destructable environments, no moving trees, plants or bushes and very little fun :P.

Forgetting the multiplayer doesnt even have physics? like the single player? lol

Have you ever heard of a straw man argument? Go look it up and then read your own posts to find out why you are appearing to people to be a bit stupid.

I'm done here. Glad you think UT3 is better looking than Crysis but please understand that millions of people disagree with you on every level.