The story of Christianity is a very simple one, yet surprisingly eloquent and meaningful.
Basically, God created man in order to demonstrate his glory and love. He placed man in the Garden of Eden and instilled in him the nature of a warrior and of a fighter (you'll notice that Adam was created in the wild). It was Adam's joy to simply explore the world that God had created for him. Yet, he became lonely, so God created a suitable mate for him in Eve.
The two enjoyed something that you and I will never fully understand in this lifetime--full acceptance and love. Because Adam and Eve walked in the presence of God (who in essence is defined as love by John), they never experienced self-consciousness, doubt, fear, or any of the things that you and I feel. They only knew acceptance and joy; however, Satan entered the Garden and tempted them, and they chose to sin against God. Instantly, they opened the floodgates to worry, fear, rejection, loneliness, and self-consciousness (this is evident because they suddenly were conscious that they were naked and sewed fig leaves to cover themselves and then hid from God).
Because God had designed it so that He would not reside in the presence of sin, He removed them from the Garden and placed them in the wild, instructing them that they must now work for their food and that they would now unfortunately experience pain. Because they had sinned, it was impossible for them to repair the broken link between them and God. They could no longer enjoy the physical presence and full acceptance of God and His love.
All of this saddened God because He loved them deeply and desired to be with them because His creation was His joy and His glory. He had imprinted man with traits of His own and He longed to have fellowship with them like before.
God knew that man could not repair the damage on his own, so God (the only being capable of doing so) made Himself human in the form of Jesus and made Himself to be an example to mankind of a better way of living, one that provided everlasting satisfaction (similar to that which Adam and Eve enjoyed). Jesus was obedient to the point of death in that He died for the sins of every man, woman, and child that lived or will ever live in order that we might be able to reside with the One who created us in the first place.
In other words, our relationship with Jesus replaced the link between us and God and again made available the full spectrum of love that we were for so long departed from.
Even now, God is preparing for our homecoming (physically and spiritually) and stands with open arms and continuously looks with understanding eyes as we do our best to make our way towards home.
That is the unbelievable, strange story of Christianity. It is a love story between two great friends. One friend was separated from the other, so the other friend sacrificed His life so that they could both enjoy one another's fellowship in the end.
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