Why are we even assuming that Sony is going to show up to E3 or have their own event? I thought they were doing their "diva" thing and they "dont need" E3 anymore, and moronic Cows were all suddenly horny for E3's demise and cant wait to dance on its grave (because thats the party line they've recieved from their cult leader)
Even funnier is that these morons don't realize that that is only going to end up hurting Sony in the long run. Willfully alienating yourself and burning bridges and relationships with useful resources like E3 (again, of Sony's own free will. Nobody made them do this retarded move) is only going to hurt them when they actually DO need them.
Sony purchased EVO, and because of that, I want you to imagine a scenario........Imagine a scenario where Microsoft acquires the ESA and/or E3 itself. It wont happen (and MS would not block Nintendo or Sony anyways), but Just play along. People would "Reeee" about monopoly or whatever........but what ground would ANY Sony fan have to stand on complaining about it? Or even a Nintendo fan? Xbox is the only one who even goes to E3 anymore. Nintendo hasnt shown up in 10 years. Sony in 3. And Cows have been horny for E3's demise since 2018.
The point of this rant was, I know you Cows think Sony "currently" has unlimited clout and momentum and can do anything they want, but actively sabotoging their own partnerships/resources with this "Diva" bullshit is only going to be to their detriment when they actually DO need them. Mindshare can turn very quickly. Look at the recent BGS/Outriders/MLB Gamepass meltdowns "debates" the past month, and in like 3 weeks we'll all likely be having the Resident Evil 8 version of this same debate.
On Topic: Starfield and Forza Horizon 5, and Halo Infinite.
Also, updates on Avowed, Fable, or Perfect Dark. Or Everwild. Or Indiana Jones. Or Arkane Austin's next game. Or InXile's next game.
Holy shit Microsoft has alot of blockbuster games in development lol. Imagine how much momentum Microsoft is going to pick up in june, when Sony doesnt even show up.
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