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Super-Poke-Bros Blog

Wishlist Committee

So here are some games I'm planning to buy, presented in none other than glorious alphabetical order. Tell me what you think of each, especially if you've played a game from that particular game's series.

Assassin's Creed Revelations

Assassin's Creed: Revelations Boxshot

When I asked what the must-have PS3 games are, a common answer was "Assassin's Creed" or "any Assassin's Creed game." Assassin's Creed currently consists of four games. The original title, AC2, Brotherhood, and the not yet released Revelations game. Revelations is actually the "third" game, since Brotherhood was mostly for multiplayer. I thought it would be best to get Revelations since it will apparently have the main characters from the past two games AND multiplayer, just like Brotherhood. Which one in the series should I get?

Batman Arkham City/Batman Arkham Asylum

Batman: Arkham City Boxshot Batman: Arkham Asylum Boxshot

I saw some trailers and I was pretty interested in this. This is the sequel to Arkham Asylum. I might just get Asylum instead. Which one?

Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3 Boxshot

One of my friends has Battlefield 2, and he said he would kill me if I didn't get this one. Looking at my game collection...I don't really have any FPS games. I guess the question here is...this or Modern Warfare 3? Which...I'm leaning towards BF3 more.

Dragon Quest Monster Jokers 2

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 Boxshot

I loved Dragon Quest IX, and this one has more or less the same styIe as it. The best get to fuse monsters and make them funny-looking. :P


inFamous Boxshot inFamous 2 Boxshot

I want the original inFAMOUS, but I've already played and completed it. inFAMOUS 2 looks great. I'll probably buy both if I can find the first game cheap.

Kirby Mass Attack

Kirby Mass Attack Boxshot

The last Kirby game on the DS. This one looks pretty interesting too... but almost weird. I don't understand how the game works, but ten pink puffs is better than one, right?

Kirby: Return to Dreamland

Kirby's Return to Dreamland Boxshot

More Kirby? I'm really looking forward to this. So far, it reminds me of multiplayer in New Super Mario Bros. Wii, except not nearly as frustrating. That's the problem though...I hope it's not TOO easy. Kirby games are known to be extremely easy, but I hope they toughen it up a little like in Kirby Super Star/Super Star Ultra. This will probably be one of the last two Wii games I get.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Boxshot

I've been wanting this for a while. Can you believe I never played the original Ocarina of Time? Now's the time for me.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Boxshot

The other probably last Wii game. I've been waiting for this since E3 2010. I have big expectations for it (don't let me down!).

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Boxshot

Metal Gear Solid 4 was such a great game. I've never played any of the previous games though, so this compliments MGS4 perfectly (well it would have been more perfect if the original MGS was included). The collection includes MGS2, MG3, and Peace Walker.


Minecraft Boxshot

Sophia made this look so awesome (read here). I want it.I don't have a gaming PC though, so I'm not sure how well my computer will handle it. If you got an extra gift code for this, and you don't know someone who might want it...hint, hint.

Professor Layton and the Last Specter

Professor Layton and the Last Specter Boxshot

The fourth game in the Professor Layton puzzle series. I've completed each of the previous games 100%. Why? Because it's a great series. It's about time they localized this.

Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle

Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle Boxshot

The fifth game to be released. This one was a 3DS launch title in Japan (those lucky Japanese). Again, I hope this gets localized soon.

Rayman Origins

Rayman Origins Boxshot Rayman Origins Boxshot

I currently have three options for this: Wii, 3DS, and PS3. Which one should I get? Look at it this way...Unless there's a platform difference in the review scores for this game, I'll just get the cheapest version. That would probably be the 3DS one. Since it has co-op though, it might be better on consoles. The Wii version might be cheaper than the PS3, but...I could get trophies on PS3.

Sonic Generations/Sonic Colors

Sonic Generations Boxshot Sonic Colors Boxshot

Sonic Generations involves playing each level in cIassic 2D with cIassic Sonic, and then playing the same exact level in 3D with "new" Sonic. Of course the change in dimensionsmakes for a completely different experience. I'm thinking of just getting Sonic Colors for the Wii instead, because it would be cheaper. That way I can afford other games on this list. Of course, if I skip it now, I might just get it later. This list is only for current games I'm planning to buy.

Super Mario 3D Land

Super Mario 3D Land Boxshot

The game before this was Super Mario Galaxy 2. If it's anywhere as good as that, then I'm sold. Side note: I've played and completed every main series Mario game to date 100%

EDIT: I forgot about Super Mario Sunshine...I've actually never played that one.

Uncharted Series

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Boxshot Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Boxshot Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Boxshot

Uncharted is somewhat the Mario of the PS3. I'm not sure if I should just get Uncharted 3, or play the first two games first.


What's the the last game? Undecided. I kind of want a racing/driving game for the PS3, but I'm not sure which. There are's a sub-list of potential candidates:

-Burnout Paradise
-Dirt 3
Driver: San Francisco
-Motorstorm: Apocalypse
-Twisted Metal
-Etc. Etc....

I'm not looking for a racing sim, so keep that in mind if you have any recommendations. Twisted Metal looks like it has a lot of gore...not a big fan of that.

I have an idea for a new union. See this list right here? I need some advice on it. If there was some sort of Wishlist Committee, where gamers can help each other out on which games to buy, when to buy them, and how to buy them (i.g. buy as bundle), that would be great. I'm not planning on starting a union anytime soon (too much work :P), but if you do take my idea just give me credit for it, and I'll join your union as an officer.

OST of the Week:

The Gardens (Get it Together) - LittleBigPlanet

An awesome track from LBP :)

I'm a Winner

First off...

Remarkable Member Icon

I was featured in the Member Spotlight! and a few dozens others. :P

I think (I'm sure) I got profile points for that, because I'm already 98% through level 25...
and I just made it to level 25 recently.

Also, I won a contest!
This one. Watch the video and you'll know.
This is what I submitted.

Here's the GIF if you ever want to use it in one of your exploits:

Guys, if you don't know what the weekly report is...well, it's the Daily Report now...
Anyway, go here.
There's a link for it from the forums page.

I would like to write longer blogs (and a review)...
It's not that I don't have any idea of what to write about (I have plenty)...
I've just been lazy :P

As far as gaming goes, I've been playing...

LittleBigPlanet (almost done with main story mode)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl (brawling like there's no tomorrow)

Dragon Quest IX (completed some quests)
Picross 3D (solved some puzzles)
Pokemon Black (training, battling, and allthat other stuff)

*tumbleweed rolls by*


OST of the Week:

Overworld (Train Theme)- The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Most people think the train is boring in Spirit Tracks, and that the boat in Phantom Hourglass was more fun and made more sense...I kind of agree, but I love the train for the music.

It sounds better in the actual game, because you get to hear the chugga-chugga of the train going along with it. :)

The In-Between Blog

I'm up to level 25 watch this...

Just watch here

I'mnow a member of the Defias Brotherhood.
...though I have no idea what that is.

I got a new signature for the forums to match my Snivy theme:

created by arad96

Cool right? Notice I said "got" a new sig, and not "made" one.
This one is made by arad96 GS, so all credit goes to him.
It sure beats my blog banner :(
As a member of the GS Gamespace Banner Union...
I feel kind ofashamed that I asked someone else to do it for me...
But I joined the union to learn though (and get the emblem), so...I'm learning, I'm learning.

I now present the OST of the Week...Slider!
Idub this the"Rollercoaster Theme."
Even though it's originally from Super Mario 64, I have the Super Mario Galaxy 2 version beecause this track is more memorable for me on SMG2. Why?
Well, the music changes depending on how fast you roll in the level it appears in(it's a rollercoaster-ish level).
I couldn't find all the different song speeds...they are actually only two tracks and the normal track is the one the changes while playing. Here's they are:

Slider (Normal) - Super Mario Galaxy 2
Slider (Standing Still) - Super Mario Galaxy 2

Fact: This is currently my cell phone ringtone :)

I Went Way Back

...and I took pictures for you to see!
Recently, I've stumbled upon a little thing called the WayBack Machine.
This thing lets you look up archived pages of sites, even sites that don't exist anymore.
So I went back...waaaaay back.

Here's GameSpot as it was in 2004:

Now here's Google, 2005 (it hasn't changed much):

Yahoo! in...I forgot the year:

Sega's official site some time in 2001:

DreamCast... (heh heh :P)

That's all...

Here's a retro OST for the occasion...


Here's an extra waaay back video. Wow :o

OST of the Week:

Game Start - Donkey Kong

First Platinum Trophy

My first Platinum trophy is now officially the Portal 2 Platinum Trophy
With that and achievement tracking going live again, I will also get the two game completion emblems on GS: Game Expert and 100% Club Member.

Yes, I 100%'d Portal 2! It was a pretty tough. Especially for one trophy..."Still Alive." To get that one you have to go through the 4th co-op course with neither co-op partner dying. I actually thought it would be even more frustrating, but I somehow(with the help of my co-op buddy) managed to pull through. It was fun overall Other than the random co-op buddies I encountered online, I also enlisted some partners through PS3Trophies's Portal 2 Co-Op Buddy Thread.

I'll give a shout outto the three people who helped my the most with this:


Thanks to the above (if you ever read this...), also you're welcome...I helped you too!

I also got some help with one three test chambers from my sister. Unfortunately, she wasn't much help...She never played any type of FPS can tell because she couldn't move the camera view and her character at the same time I actually managed to do several trophies on my own wth split screen and alternating controllers (I felt lonely doing that ).

One last thing about Portal 2...just to be clear's called Co-Op. Not coop! Please! It annoys me when people write "coop."

A coop is where you keep the chickens.

Now Playing

Since the Now Playing and Achievement Tracking features have been removed at the moment (it's temporary), I decided to manually make a Now Playing list. These are the games that I have played or will play in the past/next week.

Metal Gear Online Boxshot

Metal Gear Online

The game doesn't exactly come with the disc, but you need to have the MGS4 game to download it. So far my only progress in MGO is downloading it...which is actually a huge accomplishment since it took FOUR HOURS. I've also been too intimidated by what kind of players I would meet online. Should I go for the second playthrough of MGS4 to get the special, unlockable, and more powerful weapons first? Or should I just go ahead and go for MGO? Needless to say, my next playthrough would be on the Liquid Easy difficulty to make things quicker.

Portal 2

I've made quite a bit of progress in Co-Op. I still have one or two tough trophies before the Platinum, but I'm well on my way


I haven't played LittleBigPlanet in a while, so I'll be starting on that soon. To be honest, LBP isn't a very great platformer...and it's difficult to tell whether something is in the background, middle, or foreground...I guess it's all in the presentation. Also, there's a lot of freedom in the game, that's one thing I like about it.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

When will I ever stop playing this? Not until SSBB on the Wii U/3DS
Side note: I've yet to decide on getting the Wii U or not. I'll probably (extremely sure, actually) get it at some point in time. I just have to see if I'll get it early on, or be late like I did with the PS3.

Pokemon SoulSilver

You may have noticed (or maybe you didn't...) that in my Pokemon Accomplishments page, the three of the five Battle Frontier prints are silver. That means there are three more Colored/Gold prints that I haven't achieved. I'm going to fix that, because it contradicts my 100%'d games list (SoulSilver is on there).

Pokemon Black

Playing it for a similar reason as the above...I'm missing a trophy that you get for getting a 49-win streak in the Multi-Battle Subway line. Now, Multi-Battles work the exact same way as double battles, except that one of youractive pokemon tag-teams with someoneelse's toform the 2 vs 2 (as opposed to sending out two of your pokemon at a time). The problem here is that my partner (a CPU player) is a bad player, and in most cases, unreliable. You can also do the Multi-Battle with another person with the game...I'll probably trade half of my double battle team to my sister's game and use her DS along with mine to beat it that way Aside from the Multi-Battles, I've also been battling online.

Picross 3D

Going to review this game. Read the review later...NEXT!

Kirby Super Star Ultra and Kirby Squeak Squad
Ahh, Kirby. So fun! I've been alternating between these two. I like Super Star Ultra better, but Squeak Squad has some cool transformations. Here's a Kirby victory dance for your viewing pleasure!

I got some more Pokemon comics. You won't really get the joke if you haven't played Pokemon though so...
The last one is my favorite Only people who've played HeartGold/SoulSilver will know why it's so funny.



OST of the Week:

Encounter (Alert Theme)- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots


I beat Metal Gear Solid 4.

Epic game...:shock:

The final results...

Difficulty: Solid Normal

Total Play Time 33:57:43
Continues 54
Alert Phases 101
Kills 241
Recivery Items Used41
Weapon Types Procured 38
Flashbacks Watched 117
Special Items Used Not Used

Current Drebin Points
299,560 DP

Rank "Inchworm"

(DP is like the currency for buying weapons and ammo in-game)

In most games, getting a lot of kills is considered a good thing, but in MGS4, it's actually harder to beat the game without killing too many people. I'm not sure if I killed a lot of people or not...but I have to say that I used the non-lethal tranquilizer gun just as much as, if not more than, regular lethal weapons.

In the beginning of the game, I would panic and break out the grenades and the most destructive weapons I had everytime I got spotted. Then I'd blow everything up (including myself).
I learned better later on though :P

The rank Inchworm means I was crawling on the ground a lot :)

I also got the following awards

Lobster, for constantly moving while crouching
Hyena, for taking a lot of items from the battlefield
Pig, for having a hunger for health items
Cow, for being spotted a lot
Giant Panda, for spending a prolonged amount of time to complete missions
Leopard, for rarely taking lethal action but being spotted and killed a lot

Most of them seem like demerits :(
I might playthrough it again sometime.
I should be able to beat it again in the quarter of the time, maybe even on a tougher difficulty.

That's all I have to say...

By the way, the avatar I picked was C.
It got the most votes :)
I don't like the quality of it though...and I can't find the original image to fix it...

So anyway...on to Metal Gear Online :D

Vote On Something (Two Quick Things and...)

Thing One

A video of mine got featured on GS Spotlight and I was mentioned in the Weekly Report
The video is my speed run of the "Expert Levels" chapter in the Meat Boy flash game. I made the video back when I was addicted to that game ...


I also got the Video Virtuoso emblem

(you don't need to get picked to get it, though)

Thing Two

Of the following, which avatar do you think is best?
Should Snivy be facing left or right?





That's all I have to say right now...
Pick quickly before Sonic finds out...

Oh wait, the third not so quick thing...

My first review in ages!
I deleted every single one (6) of my older reviews...Don't judge me.

Here's my "first" review
Read it when you have the time.

Comic for a colorful blog:

I censored this comic (slightly) but it's not made by me.
It's funny though

OST of the Week:

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Suspense Theme

Super Pickle

Comic-Con is over now, so this may be a bit overdue. I wrote this super hero storyfor an assignment back in the 7th grade (which wasn't that long ago :P it sure feels like it though). Anyway, this story is not affiliated with The Adventures of Super Pickle (a pop-up story book). I didn't even know about that until I tried to search for a fitting picture...

Super Pickle

Five hundred feet below sea level, somewhere near New York City, a giant air bubble lay trapped in an underwater cavern. The entire place was smaller than an average bedroom, yet it held so many various items (all kinds of junk). Shelves everywhere were lined with neatly labeled containers. Numerous jars of all shapes and sizes each held a random household item; one filled with salt, another with string, even one with toothpaste. Everything you would want, need, and then some. Living in this spotless underwater crater was a jocular, happy-go-lucky, and larger than average pickle with amazing powers and abilities. As we all know, with amazing powers, comes amazing blasts of vinegar, which (according to Newton's 3rd Law of Motion) is exactly what he was used to fly. This astounding pickle was appropriately called Super Pickle (or "The Pickle" as some call him). The Pickle was one of the lesser known super heroes, yet a hero all the same.

Super Pickle was out fighting crime that one dreaded day. Of course, in any super story, there must be a super villain of sorts. Dr. Elmensane was his arch-enemy (Dr. Elmen for short). Surely it was not the most frightening of names, yet still evil all the same.

While heading to the exit dive, Super Pickle checked on two dried up cucumbers he kept in one jar (his parents). He then grabbed his golden cape and yellow cameo boots (the only two articles of clothing he's ever worn), and dove into the water with great anticipation. He didn't enjoy the wet part of his home. He had no other option; it was the only exit after all.

While shooting over the water with his rocket-like vinegar powers, the candid pickle was deep in thought of what kind of coo-coo scheme Dr. E had brewing. His biggest fear was that Dr. E finally discovered his one and only was too horrible to think about, yet a possibility all the same. It should be noted that Super Pickle, at first, was just a simple little cucumber growing merely in a vegetable farm. Bizarrely, the farm was neighboring the local Radioactive Vinegar & (Olive) Oil Production and Research Facility. During his sprouting period an incredible event occurred. A scientist from the research lab tripped on his own four-foot mustache (the hair net didn't help), thereby splashing some toxic vinegar out the window. A small amount, yet extremely dangerous all the same. The peculiar droplet made its way to the Pickle's soil.

Obviously toxic vinegar, when combined with baking soda, would make an eruption several billion times as disastrous as regularvinegar. An explosion that could the entire state of New York, maybe even the United States. Possibly the entire northwestern hemisphere! It was distressing, alarming...and plain unthinkable. Baking soda was Super Pickle's weakness, and he desperately hoped Elmen realizes the consequences if he would ever figure it out.

The Pickle stopped his rocket blast tour and took a moment to think of a battle plan. Suddenly, Dr. E interrupted The Pickle's racing thoughts with a resounded "I've been expecting you." Elmensane was an old scientist of low potential. Ironically, he had worked in the very same vinegar and oil research lab beside the veggie farm. Even more ironic: he was the one who dropped the vinegar. He got the "insane" part added to his name around that time, that is a different story however. The doc was wearing his regular Monday lab coat, had groomed his thick white mustache, and as usual he was all hyped up on caffeine. In his science kit was an item...THE item. It had The Pickle bend down to his knees. This is it he thought do or die, eat or be eaten.

Super Pickle stood up with might, a grave and serious look was on his green face. "Let's do this!" he screeched as he skyrocketed to the clouds. With all his pungent prickly glory, he shot out bullets of mini dill pickles from his skin. Dr. E evaded the attack by taking out his four by four by four foot square pickle jar. Unusually large, yet it held the pickle bullets all the same. Super Pickle adhered with a powerful vinegar torrent rush attack. Nevertheless, Dr E. pulled out his enormous, odder-eliminating, ultra-absorbent sponge (five easy payments of $9.99). The entire battle went on in this attack and protect pattern.

Everyone's favorite pickle (or at least his mother's favorite) grew weary after thirty minutes of war. He sat back heavily to rest a second. The situation had become a dense ordeal. It was only a matter of time until...oh no thought The Pickle. He spotted Elmensane opening the can of baking soda. Unfortunately, this is where the story ends. It's an ending full of suspense, yet an ending all the same.

OST of the Week:

Yoshi's Island - Level Select Theme (World 6 Variation)