Why should it matter what other people do? I guess it's that sheep mentality. The masses almost always have poor taste. Just look at the Twilight series, 50 shades of grey, the transformers movies...The list of terrible products that go on to be financially successful go on and on... Just buy what you like, and pay no attention to what the masses buy. If the things that you like happen to be popular, then good for you, but there are many very good products that go by unnoticed by the public and fade away never receiving the praise they deserve.
As for me? I'm getting both, because fanboy bull$hit is for 12 year olds. You like what you like, I'll like what I like and lets all think for ourselves and be our own person.
If you buy things on a regular basis on PSN, than the PS Plus membership essentially pays for itself, almost everything is cheaper and you also get to play many games for free. It's a way better deal than Xbox Live. Given the increase in online services that Sony was hinting at at the announcement back in February, it makes sense that they will need to charge for it. This really doesn't surprise me at all.
Why is it that the state can benefit from the demise of 38 Studios by selling off its franchise, ALSO sue its employees in an attempt to make back the lost money AND default on it themselves...I guess it's one more example where it's okay for government to do one thing, but not okay for private businesses and or people to do the same thing. Apparently there's no such thing as "lead by example" anymore...sigh
Someone is going to make some wild speculative claim based on a third party source. Everyone is going to be angry about it and assume it's true. Microsoft will later clarify the issue, and even though it was never as bad as everyone initially assumed based on the original claim, everyone will stay angry and continue to spread the original claim due in part to lack interest/ignorance and also to their horrible cross reference skills.
This will happen at least at least 1 to infinity more times between now and the release date.
SuperDutchy's comments