I played the game for a week after buying the collector's edition. I spent $150 bucks on something I literally spent no more than 15 hours playing. I really wanted it to be good. They could pay me to play it, and I'd still have to think about it.
Everyone keeps talking about how big this game is and how it's going to be so great, but for me one of the best parts of the Grand Theft Auto series has been the radio stations, which I really haven't heard anyone talk about.
Does anyone else miss Lazlow? This DJ ones (in my opinion) one of the greatest supporting characters in a game. I hope they bring him back.
Nintendo has so many franchises that they don't revisit. How come I'm not playing Earthbound XIV by now?! Seriously, can you tell me why I'm not playing Earthbound XIV by now?
@Ska-Face Thief: The Dark Project was a the equivalent of a AAA title by the standards when it was released in 1998. It was using a state of the art game engine at the time, and had a budget of $3 million dollars which by today's standards of $50 million dollar games doesn't seem like much, but it was a pretty sizeable budget for 15 years ago.
I would compare falling finding a great game to finding a great wife, sure you may meet a girl and she may be very pretty and sexy and all that, but then you realize that she has a personality comparable to your local DMV. No matter how pretty she is, if there's no chemistry and you can't stand being around her then you're going to give her the boot.
Now take the same scenario, but it turns out that she's funny and loves the same movies you like and she laughs at all your jokes and you marry her and have kids and live happily ever after. Now sure, she's going to get older and sure you love her JUST as much as the day you met her, but it's all that stuff that you love about her that keep you sticking around.
Now don't you think for a minute that it wasn't those yoga pants that got you to even talk to her in the first place, because if you say it wasn't, then you're a dirty liar and you know it.
@Syrlink The term presentation is everything is simply a motto...a very commonly used motto in restaurants...it's just a saying. I didn't make it up.
The whole point is that the presentation is what brings them in, they stay for the taste. It's an analogy. There are obviously naunces to gaming as there is cooking. Presentation isn't literally everything...sigh.
SuperDutchy's comments