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PC game reccomendations plz

Hey there guys I have been getting into PC gaming recently. I play on steam and get my games from there so if you eould like to add me I am walrus_7. I have been playing team fortress 2 and I purchased gta 4. If people have any suggestions for me it would be much apreciated. Thanks and ps dont reccomend left 4 dead 2 because I already plan on getting that:D cya!


April fools!

Is April fools a holiday? do people actually say Happy April fools? realllydont know but anyways hope people have had good time gaming the last 2 weeks and I guess Happy April fools!

Happy st. Pattys Day!

Hey guys just wanted to wish evrybidy a happy st.patts. Being an Irish this one of my favourite days of the year I look forward to all the festivities tonight. To bad i can barely walk due to the fact that I broke my toe yesterday...facepalm. Cya guys! Enjoy the night

Je fini Uncharted 2

Hey guys just finished Uncharted 2. I gave it a 9/10 it was a terrific game. Although i found it alot better than the 1st one i gave them the same rating. I probably will make the first one and 8.5 after playing unchartd 2 now looking back it I see different gameplay better graphics a better story and the addition of multi-player in Uncharted 2. I own the 3rd and I want a bit of a break from Unchated before i come back to it. Next ill probably play either dead space because I never tried it or assaissans creed because i would like to try it aswell. For now cya!


Got a Vita!!!

Hey guys! On the weekend we just had i spent my money to buy a new playstation vita. It's so worth it,the games and features are so cool and easy to use. Plus its got great sony made franchises being released for the portable,games like little big planet, a possible killzone game, Uncharted and many others.

So far I only have Uncharted Golden Abbys and im loving it so far. Its a great game to show off the vitas new skills and capabilitites. The girl character Chase I think her name is,is so annoying I hope she dies later on. She can't use a gun for god sakes.

Im saving up for more games but the next game ill probably purchase is MLB 12 the show. Until next time Cya!

Lol im an idiot! I missed my 1 year anniversary on gamespot!

Hey guys in 2011 on febuary 18th i joined gamespot not it is the 26th of Febuary over a year later. I can't believe i missed it but I would still like to express gratitude to my followers. I enjoy hearing peoples experiences, reccemondations and opinions. I aim for a nother good year on Gamespot.

- Ben or SuperGamesNet

PSN names?

Just a quick blog i'd like to add people i have'nt added yet on psn so just leave ur psn name in the comment section and ill add u. cya

Completed Asylum and started Uncharted 2

Man! Arkham asylum was a terrific game for me it didn't have the length of Arkham city but still it was terrific. If there where side misiions it would have been perfect. The boss batlles were insane especially the one with titan joker at the end. My rating and review will be coming soon but if you haven't played either of the batman games you have to try one.

Moving on from batman I started uncharted 2 today got to chapter 7 and I really am enjoying it so far. Classic Uncharted good shooting,clever puzzles and a hell of a story. So ill keep u posted on my progress.

Enjoy ur gaming everyone! see ya next time...
