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My Strange way of playing games

I have a very weird way of playing games. The average gamer gets a game plays it and than completes it. Or maybe they put it aside for a while than come back and finish it. But with me I get a game than I stop and play other games and maybe don't come back for weeks maybe even a month. I am very inconsistent with games and I would like to stop my bad habbit but its harder than you think to stop. Thats why if you'd been wondering why I havent i reviewed that game yet it's because im busy playing other games. See ya later!:D

Gaming Update August

Hey guys its pretty much the end of August so here's what i've been playing.

PS3: I've been playing the 4 new titles I got wich are Alice madnees returns,dirt3,virtua tennis 4 and MLB 11 the show they are all exceptional. I strongly reccomend them all(maybe not virtua tennis 4) but especially Alice madness returns and dirt 3.

PC: Minecraft I just can't get enough of that game it's awesome.

Thats it PS3 takes the cake with my gaming for this month. See ya guys later adios amigos!

Alice Madness Returns AWESOME!

Hey guys wats up? I jost got Alice Maness Returns and it's fricken awesome. I started it this morning and i played the first chapter it was so new and fresh to me nothing i've ever played before. I have been really busy so far this summer but now im home for the rest of the summer so you can expect blogs and reviews and ratings from me. I had my birthday a week ago so I got tons of cash from friends and family so I can buy some new games and equipment and stuff.

The only two games i've been playing recently are minecraft and Alice Madness Returns and im addicted to both without a doubt. Well I got to go so see you guys later keep gaming it up and pwn some noobs!:D

Goodbye Harry Potter!!!!

Yesterday I saw the final harry potter and it was fantastic. I loved the series so it was sad to know it was the last one. But overall it was an amazing movie with great special affects, a great conclusion and a perfect story. It has to be one of my favourite movies of all time. I give Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2 a 9.6/10 Everyoone has to see this movie.

See You Guys Soon!!

Well Guys back from vegas but im off again for two whole weeks. I don't think you guys honestly care where I'm going so I'll see u guys when I return in two weeks adios amigos.:D:cry::P

Annihilation Do we need it?

Annihilation came out and it's black ops third map pack and do we honestly need it. Modern warfare 3 is coming pretty soon and the previous 2 map packs have been pretty dissapointing especially first strike. Escalation was better but still not that good.I've spent enough money on black ops. Another map pack that looks like more of the same just doesn't interest me. Maybe if they made a gun add on or something but another map pack is just a waist of money and time. Express your opinion in the comments.

New game plus Trip

Hi guys todays my last day before my trip to Las Vegas I can't wait i won't be blogging or anything for a week and a half sorry guys:cry:. Well besides my trip I picked up resistance retribution for 8.00$ sweet. I've played the first two on the ps3 and wanted to play this one before resistance 3 comes out. So thats is for a while see ya guys enjoy your gaming.

Trip and new game!!

Hi guys todays my last day before my trip to Las Vegas I can't wait i won't be blogging or anything for a week and a half sorry guys:cry:. Well besides my trip I picked up resistance retribution for 8.00$ sweet. I've played the first two on the ps3 and wanted to play this one before resistance 3 comes out. So thats is for a while see ya guys enjoy your gaming.

Ipod Game of the week # 3

This weeks game of the week is battlefield bad company 2. Don't worry I realize this game is nowhere near as good as the console version but it's nice to have it portable. They brought new controls fitting the ipod but the same story,weapons and everything else. It's a ton of fun and theres even an online mode. It's 3 bucks but it's worth it it's got the full console campaign brough down to a portable experience that you don't wanna miss so check this game out it's the ipod game of the week.

June gaming update 2011

Hey guys Junes been a pretty good gaming month. Ive played a ton of games here is what ive benn playing....

PS3: I got escelation for black ops so I got back into black ops again the maps are really good and call of the dead is amzing it may be the best part of black ops itself. NHL 11 ive benn winning the stanley cup wiith different teams and trying to get some more trophies. InFamous my free game i love it so far im not that far into it but I love it. Great action great story and sick moves. Little big planet 2 is amazing the online levels are amazing and the story levels are fun to play over.

Wii: My wii hasnt had that much use this month the on ly thing I can remember playing was Conduit 2. Conduit 2 is really fun Im about halfway through I really like it ill write a review when im finished. Thats actually all for wii this month.

DS: I got phantom hourglass and plants vs zombies this month and I am really enjoying them both. If you don't have either of these games get them there some of the best games the ds has to offer.

PSP: I havent played it at all this month. I want the vits so badly.

Ipod: Icebreaker hockey a great game get it same with Battlefield bad company 2 ipod version its actually pretty fun.

Thats all for June hope you guys enjoy your gaming!