Hello every 1 havent posted in a while. Due to the fact of school and other crap that piles up on u eventually. But I have been gaming so heres a rundown on what im up 2.
My friend @SuperGamesNet2 let me burrow arkham asylum today i started it and im out of the asylum and into arkham island now. Ive completed arkham city and it was my goty so I had to give asylum a go.
Off the PSN store i purchased borderlands for the low price of $20.00 and it's been a blast so far. The rpg/fps makes it so unique and new. While the cartoon graphics/animation give it u fun feel. I beat the first boss and now i have to defeat a bonehead so im not that far in but still awesome and i like what i see so far.
Lol so with my spare money left over on my account after buying borderlands i purchased scott pilgrim vs the world and to be honest i kinda like it. It's a side scrolling fighting game. Its really cheesy and stupid but it's kinda fun beating up your girlfriends exs so if u have any spare psn money borderlans or scott pilgrim are good choices in my book.
Thnx for reading have a good week !:D
-Ben or SuperGamesNet
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