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SuperGamesNet Blog

Borderlands, Arkam asylum and scott pilgrim....

Hello every 1 havent posted in a while. Due to the fact of school and other crap that piles up on u eventually. But I have been gaming so heres a rundown on what im up 2.

My friend @SuperGamesNet2 let me burrow arkham asylum today i started it and im out of the asylum and into arkham island now. Ive completed arkham city and it was my goty so I had to give asylum a go.

Off the PSN store i purchased borderlands for the low price of $20.00 and it's been a blast so far. The rpg/fps makes it so unique and new. While the cartoon graphics/animation give it u fun feel. I beat the first boss and now i have to defeat a bonehead so im not that far in but still awesome and i like what i see so far.

Lol so with my spare money left over on my account after buying borderlands i purchased scott pilgrim vs the world and to be honest i kinda like it. It's a side scrolling fighting game. Its really cheesy and stupid but it's kinda fun beating up your girlfriends exs so if u have any spare psn money borderlans or scott pilgrim are good choices in my book.

Thnx for reading have a good week !:D

-Ben or SuperGamesNet

Horrible Gaming Hours this week!

This week i was completely destroyed with school work so I had one of my worst weeks of gaming ever (hours wise)

Skyrim: I only got an hour and a half in :(

NHL 12: 2 hours not that bad for a sports game :-

Minecraft: in my standars this is dreadful 6 hours :cry:

So ye a pretty crummy week and this weekend will be no better hope u guys had more luck!

My Top 5 Games Of 2011!

I already announced in a previous blog that arkham city was #1 but here is the rest of the list! Enjoy!

5. Alice Maness returns

4. Skyrim

3. Portal 2

2. Uncharted 3

1. Batman Arkham city

I almost just lost my dog!

I took my dog Kylie who's a little tri coloured sheltie for a walk. The whole walk was fine and normal til we reached my street. My shoelace came untied. So with a few fingers on the leash i attempted to tie my shoes and hold on to my dogs leash which i thought was easily possible. Than i was just finishing when a car whizzed by me and my dog made a lunge towards it I couldnt react fast enough. She than started sprinting after the car and she was running right down the middle of the road. I than also jumped in the middle of the road and started chasing her. There were cars honking at me and they were scaring my dog so she kept running. I chased her for 6 blocks yelling at her to stop and her barely dodging on coming traffic along with myself. EVentually she got tired and I caught up picked her up and walked the rest of the way home. I was beyond worried I thought she was going to die right in front of me at the age of 1. I am extremely lucky and i am more than grateful that she is perfectly fine.


GOTY Revealed!

Here is my personal 2011 game of the year. I'll give you a list of the nominees and below that will be the winner. 2011 was a great year so it made my decision hard but at the end of the day wether you agree with me or not the game i chose was a good one.


Uncharted 3

Batman Arkham city

Infamous 2


Gears of war 3

Winner For 2011!

Batman Arkham City!

there you have it my favourite game of 2011 I hope everybodys gave it a try or is planning on it because this game will blow you away with visuals and a great story and excellent combat. See you all at the end of this year. Bye!:D

GOTY Awards!

Best Sports Game: MLB 11 the show

Best Shooter: Modern warfare 3

Best Action/Adventure Game: This was a real close one between arkham city and uncharted 3.

Winner: Batman Arkham City

Best RPG: Skyrim

Best Xbox Game: Gears of War 3

Best Wii Game: The legend of Zelda: Syward Sword

Best PS3 Game: Unharted 3

Best Campaign: Batman Arkham City

Best Mutiplayer: Modern Warfare 3

Next blog is the GOTY!

Happy New Years and Uncharted progress

Hey evrybody! 2011 has been a terrific year for gaming probably one of my favourite years. I hope everybody stays safe tonight and acts resonable;)

The last two days ive just been playing fifa 12 and nhl 12 two excellent games from 2011. But last time i posted about uncharted drakes fortune i believe i was on chapter 6. Now I am at chapter 19 so Ive been enjoying it and hopefully i can finish it tonight.

See you guys later in 2012 adios!


Im an Uncharted NUB!!

I suck at uncharted i die alot and rage very easily. I think it's a good game and Im forcing my self to play it because i just got the whole series. Im playing drakes fortune now while playing arkham city and im on chapter 6 in uncharted which is pretty crappy for the time ive spent on it i should be like at least on chapter 9. In arkham city im 60% done im just loving it so much. It might be my game of the year. But I think the time has been split equally so im dissapointed im struggling so much with uncharted. IF anyones got tips plz let me know.

Ill keep u guys posted about my staus in these two games. Cya later!

Christmas gifts!

Hope everybody had a good christmas this is just a list of what i got so far still have some family to see.

-Batman arkham city PS3

-Uncharted 1 and 2 bundle

-Skull candy headphones

-A new blackberry

- Lots of gift cards for best buy and crap



-psn card for 20

-walking dead graphic novels

and i cant remember the rest if i get more games ill post it later cya