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E3 Rundown 2011

E3 2011 was fantastic their was tons of exciting news and great information and demos released.

Nintendo did a terrific job at E3 with the release of the wii u mentionen, new upcoming 3ds titles, 3 different skyworld sword demos and a new smash bros coming out for the wii u and the 3ds.

Sony did well as well with the details and the name of its new portable the sony vita and some starter games for it. They also shared some ps3 info and games to be released soon for that.

Microsoft focused on their games only. They did do a good job with demos and information on their games and they did announce halo 4.

Overall a terrific E3 here are my rankninks and grades: 1. Nintendo A

2. Sony A-

3. Microsoft B-

See ya guys

Green Hornet And Xmen First Class

A week ago is saw the green hornet off rogers on demand and i actually enjoyed it. There was alot of action and special affects wich made the movie pretty intense. The only problem was that they dragged it on just a little to much with pointless scenes and random stuff exploding.

Overall id give the green hornet an 8.2/10

Today I saw xmen first class in theaters wich is like a prequel to the series. It was really good there was a perfect mix of story and action. You got to learn how the bad guys became bad guys and how the xmen came together. I found the lenght right the action right and the affects were amazing. It as also cool how they put real history into the made up story of the xmen.

Overall Xmen First Class gets an 8.8/10 for me

Cant wait for the green lantern to come out aswell and harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 as well. See ya guys later!

Ipod game of the week # 2

Well this is the second ipod game of the week following pocket god from last week. This weeks game of the week is plants vs zombies. What a game, im in love with this game. It's a new style on a tower defense game wich is a genius idea. Practically zombies are trying to come in to your house to eat your brains so you get all thes crazy plants to kill them before they get to your house. You play in cool different enviroments to stop the zombies. And you unlock new plants to kill zombies with. It starts off extremely easy but it starts to get pretty difficult. This is one of the best apps on the app store i extremely reccomend it to anyone. Plants vs zombies game of the week folks!:lol::P

Ipod Game of the week #1

My first ipod game of the week goes to pocket god. One of my favourite apps is pocket god most people know this app. It's been pretty boring lately with the updates. But it's new update is amazing. It allows you to revisit old episodes to get achievements and in game trophies so i've been working pretty hard to get all of them they also added a new island wich is pretty sick. So if you deleted this game cause you got sick of it re get it because it's sick. Hats off to pocket god for being the app of the week. App of the week well be every monday so tune in may 30th for the next app of the week!

Top spin 4 or virtua tennis 4?

Well i was waiting to get one o 2011s new tennis games and i was leaning towards virtua tennis 4 because i have played previos games from that series. But after gamespots 5.5 im leaning towards top spin 4 with a solid 9.0 from gamespot. But i might hold out til next year well see. If anyone has any suggestions please comment.8)


Right now my life is pretty good PSN is back and i've been playing killzone 3 online and got back into black ops. But my main source of happiness right now is my jailbroken ipod i'm getting top quality games for free. Some games are so good i'll probably make a review for them. My ipod game of the week wich is the new thing im doing is plants vs zombies such a good game i love it i'll post a review soon. My NHL 11 review is coming soon so look forward to that see you guys i'm going to play some great games on my ipod.

Top 5 Upcoming Games For The Rest Of 2011

Here is the list of my top 5 games that are being released later this year enjoy!

1. Legend Of Zelda Skyworld Sword (Wii)

2. Batman Arkam City)

3. Uncharted 3 (PS3)

4. Modern Warfare 3 (PS3)

5. The Grinder (Wii)

Some of these games are coming out for other systems i'm just saying what system im getting it for. Post your top 5 upcoming games in the comments. Can't wait for these games bye guys!

Conduit 2 So Far

So i've been playing the new wii exclusive first person shooter the conduit 2 and so far im impressed. The boss battles are fun and the graphics like most shooters on the wii don't suck. I use the classic controler to play it's just a little more acurate than the wii remote. The cover art for this game is so awesome it's one of my favourite covers ever on a video game.

Top 10 Levels From Kirbys Epic Yarn

Here are my personal top 10 levels from one of my favourite platformers. Enjoy!

10. Cool Cave ( Hot Land )

9.Meta Knight Boss battle ( Space Land )

8. Mt.Slide ( Snow Land )

7. Pyramid Sands ( Hot Land )

6. Yin-Yarn Boss Battle ( Dream Land )

5. Sweets Park ( Treat Land )

4. Fountain Gardens ( Grass Land )

3. Whispys Forest ( Dream Land )

2. Rainbow Falls ( Grass Land )

1. Castle Dedede ( Dream Land )

If you have a different opinion tell me either in the comments or a personal message.

3 cheers for the ISA

I finally finished the killzone 3 campaign and i was speechless. One of the best games ive ever played in my life. Im working on a review and i am probably going to trade in my copy of the game to get the collectors edition so i can treasure thhis masterpiece.