Ive played a ton of games this month this is just an update.
PS3: Killzone 3 campaign is just amazing im almost done it ive been playing it quite a bit this month and I love it. NHL 11 still amazing need to play a little more before review. Black ops charm has sort of worn out but I bet I'll become addicted again. Portal 2 sold out every where I go its so frustating probably will get it soon.
Wii: Playing online golden eye wich is decent not great. Actually started getting into new super mario bros wii again and its pretty fun. Igot kirbys epic yarn this month i beat it than wrote a review just playing levels over so I can make my top 10 levels. I stopped playing epic mickey its just to boring and annoying im not going to write a review just rate it. Conduit 2 is out just waiting for gamespots ranking if it ever happens!
3DS: Playing pilot wings so much better than a 6.5 i dont get it. Super street fighter is great i love it so addictive i havent played the series since PS2. Lego star wars the clone wars is pretty god but not great im still playing it slowly tring to get through.
Next gaming update May.
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