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Gaming Update April

Ive played a ton of games this month this is just an update.

PS3: Killzone 3 campaign is just amazing im almost done it ive been playing it quite a bit this month and I love it. NHL 11 still amazing need to play a little more before review. Black ops charm has sort of worn out but I bet I'll become addicted again. Portal 2 sold out every where I go its so frustating probably will get it soon.

Wii: Playing online golden eye wich is decent not great. Actually started getting into new super mario bros wii again and its pretty fun. Igot kirbys epic yarn this month i beat it than wrote a review just playing levels over so I can make my top 10 levels. I stopped playing epic mickey its just to boring and annoying im not going to write a review just rate it. Conduit 2 is out just waiting for gamespots ranking if it ever happens!

3DS: Playing pilot wings so much better than a 6.5 i dont get it. Super street fighter is great i love it so addictive i havent played the series since PS2. Lego star wars the clone wars is pretty god but not great im still playing it slowly tring to get through.

Next gaming update May.

PSN Down Still

Im really mad at PSN they have been down for 4 days now and I need to play Black ops or something online im dying. All I have been doing is playing the killzone 3 campaign. If it is not up soon I will go on a rage so sony please fix your stupid problem with PSN.

Kirbys Epic Yarn

I got kirbys epic yarn for the wii the other day and im very impressed. I love the gameplay and the animation. All the levels are new and exciting. Im about half way through so i look forward to the rest of this game.

First Strike Finally

Today I finally got first strike off the playstation network the maps are really fun and are pretty entertaining especially ascension the zombie map. I also got the wii classic controler pro wich is fun and ill be revisiting some games with it such as goldeneye 007. Only 8 more days to Portal 2 for PS3 and for the conduit 2 for wii wich is compatible with the classic conroler.

Sonic 20th Anniversary

Well theres a new sonic game coming soon and it is going to be released for the PS3 and Xbox 360 but surprisingly not for the wii. Its not really fair when the wii just had a pretty good sonic game sonic colors. I have a PS3 but i would prefer sonic on the wii. Hopefully sonic will be put back on the wii later on.


Hey, I got minecraft yesterday and it is really fun i reccomend you try this game out its pretty cool!


Gaming Update

Hey, just a quick gaming update.

PS3: Im still playing black ops I want to prestige one more time. Once i have prestiged again then i will start to play killzone 3 wich I have been dying to play. Little Big planet 2 im still working away at. I want to get bulletstorm and crysis 2 for PS3 aswell.

Wii: I got the 25th aniversary mario edition game a while ago so im playing retro. Epic mickey is taking up a few of my hours so im just trying to get through that.Mario kart I went back on to get ready for mario kart 3DS.

PSP: Im still playing fifa 11 ( review will come soon) I also tried Gran Turismo again amd had some fun.

Thats pretty much it I really want portal 2 and virtua tennis 4 wich are coming soon.