So that's even worse. If you log on late on launch day you get stuck with the **** characters.
Swedish_Chef's forum posts
Yeah but eventually you both get the same gear which looks the same. So what's the difference?DrkNezFallz
I can count on 1 hand the amount of goblin shaman that look exactly like my goblin shaman on my server in WoW (hint, the number is 0).
Even if there is someone with the exact same look as me, it's so rare that I've never seen them. But you'd be hard pressed to not see another spiderman in this marvel mmo.
It's just dumb that there's going to be 10000 of the same exact character flying around, and since it's based off of cannon there's very little you could do to distinguish yourself from the other 9999.
It's not like a fantasy MMO where you're 1 of 5000 ogre warriors because all of them wear different armor and/or look different.
I think it is going to be awesome. Another major digital distribution system only verifies the fact that EA (and other studios and publishers) are still taking the PC platform as serious as they do the console platform.mrbojangles25As EA shovels out more console ports than nearly any other publisher... They don't care about PC gamers, they care about maximum profits off their garbage.
Yep had to changed my password as well. Wonder when this will end?SpellingiscoolIt won't end. They know they'll probably never get caught and if they do they'll likely get a slap on the wrists or at worst free room and board at a minimum security prison. They should just kill people that commit cyber crimes and get it over with.
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