what about the classic normal Conquest / Domination Mode from the older Battlefront games. They need to have a better objective game mode like Battlefields Rush mode. Thats how i envisioned the Hoth level to be like but all i saw was a Cod fest and terrible respawning. and NO TEAM VOIP on PC...
I still dont get why we cant have a bloody hanger for our ships. The random vehicle pick up system is CRAP. I hate that its turned into a COD UNLOCK everything. Makes things so annoying and unbalanced getting killed endlessly by people who have better things. What i wanted to see is that every weapon and side gear unlocked from the get go, the only thing that are unlocks are cosmetic items. Such as having a new shiny gun or a new shoulder pad etc etc those you have to work for to unlock.
i LOVED the film. Will NEVER be as good as the first two but god it's a solid movie. Better than the last two. Story was good at mixing things up and leaving questions unanswered. Why does everyone need everything to be explained. I liked the fact few things got left. Keeps you guessing.
I fear this game wont have drop in / out friend coop or any sort of party support. Something what would be AMAZING to do, explore the stars with friends. And from that i can see me getting bored within a few hours.
This is what makes Elite amazing for me. My friends and me explore together as a party which adds a whole new depth to a game like Elite. Something i can see No Man Sky not having :-(