i wish Blur Studios would make a full motion picture, does not have to be a halo film. They have the best cgi trailers out there and i would love to see a full blown film one day from them.
and no, the gameplay will not look like this. This is Cgi.
@kalipekona i7 2600k, 680gtx, 16gb. Every other game runs smooth on max settings, ArmA3, BF, Crysis, Elite dangerous, Wolfenstein etc etc. its just UbiSoft games 'most of them' run terrible. The only game that run smooth was splinter cell and far cry 3.
my only problem with PC is multi platform games, many games mainly UbiSoft games are so badly optimized i just cant play them. My rig is a gaming rig and playing Black Flag is just shocking with endless framedrops and problems, same with Watch Dogs another UbiSoft game. Only a few multiplatform games have been ok. So for multiplatform games i tend to play them on the consoles so i dont have to put up with the bad optimizations. Which is down to the developers doing such a piss poor job.
90% of my PC gaming is for independent games and simulators
god i LOVED Bad Company 2 on consoles. I played BF2 on PC to death and loved it. Everything came down with BF3 as it turned it into a fast paced COD game, spawn kill spawn skill spawn kill, there was no team work. In Bad Company 2 there was team work everywhere. I do want to pick it up on PC but i know hardly no one plays it much any more.