Proof your precious Microsoft isn't even in the same galaxy as invincible as you pretend it is.
THE_Rob_Himself's forum posts
That's a loft assumption comparing two consoles that are neck and neck with each other and proclaiming that marketshare was taken by and from either of the two. Going back to fundamental problems with your business sense.. There was this thing called the Wii, you may have heard of it. It kind of took a giant portion of casual gamers and consumers. All that happened was MS and PS3 went after the same consumers and had relatively similar luck in doing so. Big shocker.Shewgenja
I though MS was targetting casuals?
PS2: 70% of market
PS3: 30% of market
is that easier for you to understand? Either way you look at it both nintendo and MS took market away from sony making better business decisions.
See, you guys live in a bubble. Microsoft has a champion product in Windows. Nintendo has a strong name by the Wii, yes, but before that the Gameboy helped them tough out even the N64 crush. Meanwhile, Sony sold two generations ina row of 120million+ consoles and became synonimous with gaming..
So, connect the dots for yourself. Stock prices are purely motivated by market psychology. Do you really want to wager bets on PS4 not being funded and capitalised going into this? Because that is what it sounds like.. and I think you have the business sense of a dung beetle.
if you are going by history why not mention how much marketshare was lost? are you saying that market psychology has no bearing in reality?
When the PS3 came out EVERYONE was hyping its success to be comparable to PS2, when MS threw their weight (read: money) around, they took 30% of the market.
Riddle me this, riddle me that, Mr Stock-Wars.. What is going to happen to Sony's stock value and company image when it turns the 720 and WiiU to smoldering rubble?Shewgenja
nothing because it won't happen.
Yes and no. Whilst companies are oriented largely on profit, and maximizing that profit. Tailoring your product to the intended audience is incredibly important. This is why we are seeing companies constantly upgrading and streamlining their services. Microsoft has been at the forefront for overhauling their entire UI on the 360, and introducing many multimedia options into their system. This is to entice and tailor an experience to the end-user.
Furthermore, coming in last to penetrate a huge, new, market... Isn't always the best idea. Look at Sony and the Move. Kinect, at the very least, had a ginormous marketing push, which really helped it to gain traction. It was also new... Move, to the common folk, merely looked like the Wii's control scheme.
In terms of money making (including marketing, target audience, etc.) MS is much more successful overall as a company, just look at the stock prices. It's assumed that Sony is making finanially bad decisions in order to make their userbase happy, this is NOT true.
Sony is taking the high road and that they aren't in it for the money, if you think this you are more delusional than Sony thinking they could buy Apple. :lol:
get real, this is a business and every corporation involved is doing it solely for profit, and will strategize their efforts based on the market.
I've got news - If MS goes "casual" and makes more money than Sony this generation, guess what Sony is doing NEXT generation.
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