SW: The Force Unleashed, Indiana Jones(?), Lego Indiana Jones, Lego Batman, Tomb Raider: UW, Fable 2, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith.
April 1st is also a Tuesday and (IIRC) games are released on Tuesdays. Mind you that some stores do not get them in until Wednesday or Thursday.
The whole process of calling stores in the morning and random trips to ebgames was wearing me down. Toysrus.com had a bundle with 6 games yesterday morning for $500, so I bought one. In the end it was $552 with tax and shipping.
I think a better question would be for those who got a 20Gb hard drive, do you regret not getting the elite with the 120gb HD?iamdanthamanYes!
Yes, I've found that a one day rental for $3 works well for me. That is plenty of time to decide if I enjoy the game enough to purchase.
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