If you sold everything you own (Games, clothes, furniture etc) that is actually YOURS, not your parent's - how much do you think you could make?_Marisa_
I'd have enough for a baby seal or a couple penguins.
QFT. In my area there are so many jobs. The starting pay at fast food is on average $3 more than minimum wage. Everyone is hiring. Yet their are perfectly sane and work able people wandering the streets.
My PSP has been tucked away for the last four months or so. Forza 2 and Mass Effect are partly to blame. Today, I decided to splurge for the SW: Renegade Squadron game (still not on sale BTW). With a fully charged black beast machine and the game in hand, the Empire will fall on my command. I finally get the freaking game out of the plastic-wrap, only find out it needed an update. Fair enough. It has been awhile. In following the prompts, my eyes wander to the upper-left spot on the screen. There she is. A nice crack appears to follow along a seam and a wee bit into the screen. Well, that's to be expected, as the manufacturer's warranty expired in December. One can only hope that it is not like a car windshield. Rant over.
(FYI- I'd rather not start a blog for an occasional rant. Thx.)
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