I wouldn't bother with the game. I'd possibly bother with a Ninja Gaiden on PC.
TacticalElefant's forum posts
But they didn't think of ours >:/They poured their hearts into the making of this one.
As far as SP goes, I go for older FPSs. Hell I'm making what's probably my 8th or 9th runthrough of FEAR. Even after 4 years since it's release, it's one of the finest SP FPSs ever made. The MP is fun, but I bought the game for the single player. Another good one is Far Cry. My first run through took 25 hours (don't know if the time that ended up with me killed was added in or not) and subsequent run throughs took me around 15 hours, because I feel the urge to kill each and every enemy (that's just how I play it, it's so awesome :P). Far Cry is only $10 on Steam, and if you can get by the outdated graphics which I still think are pleasant to look at thanks to the nice tropical setting and color palette, then you're in for a great ride. HL2 and the episodes are all obvious choices. I need to play Doom 3 at some point, as I haven't. The Rainbow Six Vegas games I like alot as well, especially the first one. I have very good memories of playing the first RSV on Xbox Live, but since then I went from multiplatform to PC centric.
The pre-360 days were a real golden era of single player FPS goodness. Multiplatforming was not whored out, and there were alot of original ideas since developers could still take high risk chances without worrying too much about cost on the PC platform. I must also mention the extreme high number of mods available for these games, in particular HL2. Far Cry had a number of excellent single player mods too. STALKER SoC and Clear Sky are among the most immersive not to mention creepy games ever made and I almost forgot to mention them. They happen to be a couple of the most truly unique experiences on any platform to day as well. Just come in with your quicksave button ready, because the game is PUNISHINGLY HARD even on the easier difficulties.
As for special mention, I have a personal favorite I'd add to any SP FPS list, not because it's a good game, but for what it tried to do and what it gave us a hint at: Jurassic Park: Trespasser. I've barely played far into it, but it's worth checking out if you ever get the chance. Ultimately the game is/was a failure both critically and commercially thanks to budget and time restrictions, as well as current home computer hardware being inadequate at the time to fully realize it's potential decently, but for many including myself it holds a certain fascination with what could've been the most important FPS ever made. It was incredibly ambitious for a game in it's age: high level box physics, large scale environments, large scale shadow mapping, shaders, HUD-less (and I mean TRULY HUD-less), and a very complicated yet interesting control scheme for aiming, shooting, and object grabbing. But as I said, it was too far ahead of it's time for hardware, and the game was buggy and lacked what could be considered "good gameplay" in many respects. It needed refinement, but it was an early glimpse into what the future held in store for the FPS and action genre as well as gaming in general.
I'm definitely a PC centric gamer (very hardcore about it lol) but I do have a PS3 for those certain games that I can only get on the PS3 as well as Blu-Ray. Yes, PCs have a learning curve, but for me it's ended up being more satisfying. The multiplatform games tend to be better and a bit cheaper on the PC, even if the only options from the console versions are just resolution, AF, AA options. The games I like the most are very PC friendly and centric (FPS).
Also the other reason I love PCs (and especially laptops for this particular bit) is the sheer multimedia ability of being able to go directly out of a game to other media such as music, movies, etc very quickly and even at the same time as other things are going on. If you're on a laptop (of course one that satisfies one's gaming needs) it's even better because it's portable. Yes, there is the learning and cost curve, but there is boundless reward well beyond what I've already explained.
As far as the cost of PC gaming, think of it this way: you go out spending a few hundred dollars on a decent desktop computer for practical use, and for less than $100 you can outfit it with a graphics card that will blow either the 360 or PS3 graphically out of the water, and let you enjoy higher resolutions, better graphics, a bit cheaper prices, not to mention keyboard and mouse and enjoying those much better implemented media features. Being able to game and listen to music at the same time is so nice on a computer, they run together fantastically usually, and typically you can easily alt-tab out to choose music or just skip ahead assuming your keyboard has media buttons on it. I really like media-buttons for that purpose. You could get a pretty decent laptop with good gaming capabilities for under $800 quite easy, and it's still a quite practical computer. If you need a larger screen, laptops these days come standard with HDMI ports.
Well so far, from my understanding, the dedicated server system they'll have in place is not just anyone but specific servers that have to be rented from EA themselves, which is kind of lame, since clans and whoever should have the ability to rent from anyone they want to or even run their own assuming their bandwidth and internet connection is good enough.
Other than that, I hope the game will be modable (not a huge issue right now, but it would be nice if DICE provided the tools) with up 64 players support (I think 32 is the current max for the PC version) as well as actual higher graphics settings beyond resolution, texture filtering, and AA options.
But this all begs the question: where the hell is BF3?!?!
Nvidia locked out the ability to do so if an ATi card is present, though there is a work around with this, and a certain company is producing a GPU communication chip that will allow ATi and Nvidia cards to work together for graphics together or graphics + physics.
What do you consider "maxing out"? With AA? 1920 x 1080 or higher resoluton?
For 1920 x 1080 with no AA, maxed out other settings, the 4890 should handle it fine.
Whatever happens, there is soooooo much old school PC gaming goodness from before 2010 to play, and the mods, oh my the mods!!!!!!!
I still play more hours of BF2 a week than everything else combined.
I was a computer salesman at a Fry's Electronics, where it's on commission, and boy oh boy it was cutt-throat there haha. Freaking hated the job. I guess Best Buy is alot more laid back, no commission, no crazy need to push customers individually so you can get food on your table, plus Best Buy seems to always have very good competitive prices. Last three laptops I've had I got at Best Buy.
But yes, learn what you are selling, be confident and friendly.
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