TacticalElefant's forum posts
What kind of laptop do you have that would let you do these upgrades in the first place?ProudLarry
Some high end machines do allow for it. A couple of the new Alienwares for one are built to do it as well as some of the new Asus machines.
TC. I'll agree. If you remove the motion controls and IR pointer from the Wii you are left with a last gen system... with a built in memory card and tacked on online. But don't tell anyone... they get upset.raahsnavj
Completely true lol.
when i look at this game i look at it as if it is another half life with less story and all game-play. hopefully this game comes out with a big story plot that goes out with a bang.For the online or multi-player the trailer was getting at i hope they succeed in our expectation.(cough headset cough)to me the graphics really dont matter to me but it will be nice if they can up the graphics just alittle bit. but all together i really want this game and can't wait for it.
P.S if it is online your guys are in trouble cause im the shotgun king-Darkblu3 MOHH2 king :P
You do realize shotguns are for nubs?
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