Tactis' forum posts
i find it funny when cows bash the 360 for no standard HDD then when it becomes standard they still bash it for hurting core owners....
besides mmos for the 360 have always required a hard drive this is not a new development..
anyone else think that expectations in the graphics department have gone way way out of control i am sorry but games don't look like crysis crysis is the exception.
As to bioshock, cod4, and gears of war thats an opinion the color variation is a lot better in halo 3 than those games imo and the environment look better to me in halo 3
lazy? they added a map editor, and four player co-op,
and what do you mean does nothing new? i mean COD4 is cool but nothing i have seen is innovative yet you dont bash it for that(and it has no co-op), and bioshock is an rpg/fps hybrid thats the only thing making it different do you want halo 3 to be a rpg/fps hybrid that would be a total different game(no co-op either but i mean it might not make sense in the story)
i find it funny how sony is the only one out of the big three to be considered next gen, according to your list then the wii wouldn't be next gen either would it? so in you fantasy world sony is the only one that is next gen?
lol, so what does that make the wii last last gen?
anyway they are making a pc version so its not like our version will be any worse off than the PC version.
not bad. but did you notice most of those games dont even have a release date.. not to mention some haven't even been confirmed (gears 2) to be in development.
yet you listed god of war 3?
To the TC you seem to like other things besides FPS yet you chose the PS3 rather than the 360, i mean really for this year and next year you got some pretty amazing non-shooter titles, For this year you have three jrpgs(blue dragon. lost odyssey, Eternal Sonata) and WRPG from bioware(mass effect) and other unique games like Viva pinata party animals, ace combat six, and PGR4.
also i will assume you came to the conclusion that the PS3 has a better lineup of non-shooters because you are looking at future games because the only good game right now for the PS3 is Resistance and it was the platform game the PS3 launched with and it was a shooter.
another point after September 24th thats it as far as exclusive shooters goes every other shooter this year will be on PS3/PC/360 together(except haze) so i mean if the 360 was shooter console wouldnt have more than one fps this holiday season?
I mean the PS3 is only getting one rpg this year(folklore)
plus next year the variety gets even better with
fable 2
infinite undiscovery
too human
banjo 3
halo wars
alan wake
i read your post and i fail to see how you came to the conclusion the 360 is full of shooters i mean they are the most hyped games but its not like you don't have games you cant look forward too...
i dont mean any offense i just think you are mis-informed
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