Japan, no contest
TalesofRaGnArOk's forum posts
I heard good things about Symphonia - and then I played it.
At this point, I don't really trust anyone elses' judgement but my own.
"u mad"
What? That doesn't even apply to what I said.
I was referring to where you said that Tales of Symphonia wasn't good
So wait...I'm hearing that the first Argarest was...good?
That's good to hear...I guess. Still doesn't erase the embarrassment of buying the special edition set
So they aren't all crazy after all
Nope, they're just asses.
I can still feel that kick in the balls buddy.
Yeah, the only DS iteration I played was Tempest and...yeah
If it came down to Vesperia ps3 or Graces, I'd choose Graces. But Vesperia was ****ing amazing on the 360.
So did I. Then I played it.[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"][QUOTE="ScorpionBeeBee"]
Sweet. I've never played a Tales game but I've heard many good things about this particular title.
I heard good things about Symphonia - and then I played it.
At this point, I don't really trust anyone elses' judgement but my own.
You can't say the Japanese don't innovate in respect towards JRPGs...I mean, FFXIII is wwwwaaayy different than any FF before. The Tales of... series has perfected a battle system over a decade. Dragon quest has for the most part stayed the same. But Japan innovates VERY slowly. They keep the basics the same and in the next installment, they tweek something. It can be something moderately important to the core gameplay (holy ****, Symphony of the Night is like Metroid, etc.) or it can be small (oh boy ten new/old characters in SSFIV). Luckily, if you've played one jrpg, you haven't played them all (unless its in the same series)
Just look at companies like Atlus, or the old squaresoft, or tri-Ace, and maybe even capcom.
If anything, Japan is capable of adapting.
Some of my favorite games of all time were impulse buys
and in the case of Monster Hunter Freedom 2, I'm glad I didn't read any reviews. Would've passed up an amazing series
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