@zyxe @Tauu I doubt that most people come here looking for a platform to debate these issues. I also doubt that most people come here in need of a perspective. Surely Gamespot's visitors are intelligent enough to form their own opinions and don't need someone telling them what an ideal world should look like.
What we have here is people getting mad at each other. Nobody is changing anyone's opinion. All we're getting out of this is anger and drama. Games are about entertainment. I come here to catch a break from the circus of life and as such I'm dismayed by what's going on here. Perhaps I'm the only one who feels this way and if so then I'll just be quiet and go elsewhere but I doubt I'm alone. This stuff just doesn't seem appropriate for a gaming website to me.
I've been coming to Gamespot for nearly 10 years and this website has been pretty good at not being political until recently. Now just about every week it seems there's yet another article on gender identity, gender equality, minorities, women and other such issues. This article here reads like a blog from a one-sided political perspective. There's plenty of places on the web to find material on such subject matter from any angle one desires for those who care. Why must we put games under the political microscope now? Is there really nothing better to talk about in the gaming world?
Tauu's comments