@_Roo_ @TazmanianD I'm surprised it took someone so long to make that joke because I was expecting it. Do you honestly think I don't know how to pause a video? I don't think you do and you just wanted to insult me but even if you did, then a polite, non-sarcastic explanation would have been more generous. Because I can pause the video doesn't make the video not suck. I don't understand people like you who feel the need to make pointless insults on the internet. What do you get out of it? The world would be a better place without comments like yours.
I kind of don't like this trailer. So much of it is live action film of people talking about the game in really awesome locations instead of actual gameplay footage. Spending a bunch of time in a helicopter giving us pretty footage of stuff that's almost certainly not in the game seems kind of misleading. However, I'm still excited about this game and hope/half believe these guys can deliver.
I'm interested as I enjoyed The Sims 3, but I'll probably wait at least a year and a lot of patches after it's released to play it. TS3 was one of the most bug-ridden games I've ever played.
@pisoni94 I had played through System Shock 2 multiple times beforehand which is a far more frightening game, so I think I was prepared for the first BioShock game.
@TohouAsura There's no reason to be insulting. You're right, I don't know the internal structure and development process of Ubisoft which is why I'm asking questions. But it seems to me to defy common sense to develop a game and 3 sequels to it simultaneously, especially if they started doing that with only the 2nd game in the series. What if everyone hated AC2 and it was a total flop? It seems that having 3 other games in progress based on it sounds like an odd strategy.
@rebelguy0 @TazmanianD I have no facts to support my argument so you could be right but what you say doesn't make any common sense. AC2 was released in Nov 2009, ACB Nov 2010, ACR Nov 2011 and AC3 Oct 2012. Are you telling me that they were working on 4 Assassin's Creed games simultaneously? There's just no way. They couldn't know that AC2 or anything after it was going to be a success so there's no way they'd go off and start 3 more games.
I guess that's the only way they can produce a sufficient quality game every year. AC3 felt like maybe they didn't have enough people (or did it too fast).
I like collector's edition because I have shelves in my office that I use to pile up the boxes and "trophies" I get. I also have maps that some of the games come with stuck up on my wall. So definitely a gaming room.
TazmanianD's comments