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TeabagChampion Blog

Are We Dead Yet?

As I'm sipping on my black russian and listening to my friends rant on and on about today's gamers, I couldn't help myself but ask that question out loud. The question ; are we dead yet. At first my friends thought that I had one too many drinks but then remembered that I am what you can consider a "heavy weight". I only had 2 drinks and I was far from feeling the buzz. As I captured the attention of my friends, I went on explaining to them how the "hardcore gamers" are dying out. Gaming started back in the late 70's and although the games back than can be considered...... well, lack of technology, people from all over found themself digging pockets and couches for quarters just to go spend it on arcades machine. I for one picked up the N.E.S (Nintendo Entertainment System) back in 1985 and quickly had a library of 117 titles. Thats when I started gaming. Now, I'm 32 going into 33 and I'm a single father raising a 18month old. Like most people my age, you are expected (atleast at this point of your life) to have a carreer, a family, and your own place. Therefore, in theory, gamers my age either quit playing video games or just simply dont have the time to play them.

Another reason why I made that comment is because the statistics are there. Not too long ago I was writting a report for a project at my former job. The report was on the age group that consumers consume and the products that consume or/and target an age group. Sadly but surely, my age group went down over 22% over the past year alone, and is expected to go down another 12% on video gaming alone. So with that said, we are surely a dying breed. Now I don't feel too bad about getting "raped" at a first person shooter, and all though I tend to teabag players hear and there, I always seem to get twice as much from that 13 year old thats returning the favor as he boast about it on his mic. I must admit that I find it funny but at the same time sad that I just can't seem to keep up with what once was something that I had such a passion for. However, I guess my time is coming if it already didn't come. I can always ask for another black russian while I ponder what hobby to pick up next.

Here I am Again

Here I am again, in the bathroom trying to use the internet so that I can catch up with my emails and news on whats going on in the world. I had to stop and say thanks to all of you that supported me on my last blog. Lately I've been finding myself going crazy waittig on my income tax return. I'm getting back a good amount but I have to be a penny pincher for now. It turns out that I'm moving mid next month to a place that is a bit further from work and my daughters day care. However, I think I landed a job thats right around the corner from my next place. I like the zone too. I'll be living in a much more nicer place (not that I was living in a dump). And this is going to give me the option so save up and set aside some money for Genesis (my daughter).

I can't wait for a few games that I thought that it would be nice for me to share it along with you guys. I'm thinking about getting Bad Company 2, but there are two more anticipated games on my list. Final Fantasy 13, and Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii. Hopefully, I'll be ok from here to April because Monster Hunter is one of those games that I just cant put down. Later on this year, the new Zelda is coming out along with Metroid: The other M. I dont know about you guys, but I think that this is Nintendo's year in the gaming idustry.

Guys, feel free to let me in on your most anticipated games so far. And thanks again for your support.

Sorry, I've been very busy.

Back in the first of December, I had to call the cops on my wife for getting out of control. She ended up getting arrested for domestic violence and now I find myself being a single parent. Raising a child on your own is very difficult and challenging. I almost dont have time for myself, for my hobbies, and for anything els. Since its an obvious that I'm no longer with my wife, I had to find a new place to move to, and doing so was a world of hurt. Since I've moved, I haven't been able to afford internet, and to make things worst, my ps3 broke down a while ago. But one morning I woke up and my laptop indicated to me that I was able to pick up wi-fi. The only problem with this is that I can only use it in the bathroom. So here I am, in the bathroom,.... but its not like that. I only come in here to use the internet since the most part of the day i spend out working and with the baby.

Well, thats why I've been gone and busy. I dont wish what I went through with my wife on anyone. Its a very bad and sad experience. And for those that wonder if I tried to get help, yes, I did. But once you recieve help and the other person isn't willing to change is basicly "game over." Now she is regretting what she did, but I can't risk to but myself in that position again. My daughter (Genesis), is now 1 year old, and the best part of all of this is that she was too small to remember seeing the abuse.

I'll post up soon when I get a new PS3 and when I'll be back on-line.

Its Very Funny When Someone Tries To Do Something That Doesn't Seem To Work Out.

The other day my wife had lost her cool with me. She thought that It would be kinda fun to take away the t.v control from me and hide it. I came home on monday night to find that I couldnt find the control on my couch where I normally sit for 2 hours and catch the Monday Night Football games. I told her that she was acting silly, as I just walk over to the t.v and turn it on manually. The next day, I come home to find that she had taken the power cable off. Now the lack of the control is a smaller issue. Not knowing how I was going to get the t.v started at that point, I quickly start to brain storm for a solution to this very pathetic issue. I had remembered that her monitor works on the same power cord that my t.v uses. I played it off and told her "ok, you got me". I work from 2pm to 6pm while she works from 6am to 2pm. And what she doesnt know is that while she is gone, I just switch the power cables and continue to play from where I left off. She also tried doing this to the cable that powers my phone. The only problem with that is that she failed..... big time. Almost everything in the house seems to power up my phone and thats not to mention the fact that I have a car kit that allows me to charge it while I drive.

To close this off, I find it funny how people try to get back at you when they have no idea that they have failed. I know I'm talking about my wife here, but I still believe that even her can become a pretty pathetic person from time to time. One of my friends asked me how did I play this prank back at her. It was simple, I disscconected the battery in her car, and let me remind you, women dont know much about cars. She ended up taking the bus to work for almost a week. When I found out that her mechanic was coming over, I just plugged the battery back on. She ended up taking the bus for a week and ended up paying the mechanic to come over and check out her car.

The joke, like always, eneded up being on her.


Today thursday, and tomorrow friday, I'll be spending a good amount of time playing Borderlands on the PS3. This is due to me going back full-time and my job starting next week (as mentioned in the other blog). My internter is also back but it seems to be acting up. So remember, my psn ids are GangstaGrizzab and TeabagChampion. On other news, I'll be moving on October 30th. Thats right, the day before Halloween. Im moving to a better place that includes better perks and its closer to work so that I wont have to commute as much. So I might not be online the first week of November.

What's for Breakfast?

For the past 2 weeks now, I've been reduced to part time hours at my job. Yeah, I work for a non-profit company that has been the victim of goverment cut-backs and layoffs while they get rich with the bonus that they get. Luckly for me, I've just been reduced to part-time. And well, not for long. My boss and I talk on a daily basis and just yesterday he informed me that I'll be getting back into full-time starting next monday. Althought the news was great when you consider the pay, I must admit that I got used to being lazy and just playing video games from 10am to 1pm while eating Cheetoes and drinking Pepsi. Dont get me wrong, I still make time for my daughter and wife, and the lack of jobs out there has just kept me indoors. I also tried applying for jobs that I know I can just quit when things get better. Jobs at places like Best Buy, K Mart, Target... you get the point. But nothing. So yeah. Cheetoes and Pepsi for breakfast.

Demon's Soul

As I was heading home from work for my lunch break, I picked up my copy and dashed home to make myself a tuna melt sandwish. In the prosses, and with only 25 minutes left before reporting back to work, I popped in the copy and sat down to watch the intro as I devowered my meal. To be honest, I thought that the intro was short,strait to the point, and somewhat weak. I thought to myself "thats it?" After a long hard day of dealing with the usual, if not more, I came home to my wife and child with only thinking about my new titles and my thoughts on how to go about and play it. After waking up in the middle of the night and with nothing to do, I turned to the t.v and started up Demon's Soul. The game doesn't explain much and I felt as if I had no Idea toward what was going on in the game. In other words, the system is a bit tricky and somewhat hard to get a hold of. I must add that the game is hard aswell. After playing for almost 2 hours, I still couldn't figure out how to summon other players to help me out in my quest or how to go online and play co-op. However, I see all of this as a challange and I'm looking foward into playing it for a few more hours. I have to be honest and say that I'm really enjoying the gameplay along with the challange and it might even be one of the best RPG's that I've played so far.

360... Again?

One of my very very good friend called me up the other day and he wanted to hang out with a group of us to tell us about this news that he was keeping secert. I thought that he was about to become a dad or he cought A.I.D.S... You know, something that you hold off until everyone is in the mood for some shocking event. Well, shocking it was. You see, this friend of mine has been directing short films in the city of Miami for some time now, and he has done some other short films in other cities like Chicago, Green Bay, and St.Louis. He got a call from someone in L.A and therefore, he will be moving up there soon. I went out of my way to get him a few boxes and stuff.... you know, the things that you usually use when you move, and when I got to his house, he told me that he wanted to give me something. When he showed me a box full of old systems and games, he told me that I could keep them all. I'm talking about systems like the Turbo Graphix 16, Sega Dream Cast, XBOX, Game Cube, N64, and Super Nintendo. With that, he gave me over 200 games for all of these systems. It turned out that I was the one that needed the boxes to move all of that stuff out of his house. The next day, he called me with some more news. He needed me to help him by giving him a rid to a place since his car was at the shop. On my way back to drop him off before going to work, he told me that he had a XBOX 360 (new) that he has never even played. He didnt even take it out of the box. Well, he let me have it aswell. So now I'm back on XBOX Live. Although I dont think I'll be playing it all that often since I have a few games that I have coming soon on my PS3, I'm happy to let all of you know that I'll be back on live soon.

Trophy Hunting Weekend

The other day I hit level 10 on my PSN and I started to look back at those games that I never bothered to play again. It turns out that I'm only missing a few trophies on a few games that are keeping me from getting Platinum trophies. Although I dont want to go back and get them, I dont have anything better to do this weekend. My wife and child are going away for the weekend and leaves me with nothing more than a fridge with food, 20 bucks in my pocket, and a few good games to go back and play on this weekend. Wait, I forgot, its football season. Well, thats something els that I have to do.... watch a few games. Go SAINTS!!!!

Broken Steel came out this week for the psn. I've been wanting to get it, but doing an update on my PS3 will cause me to steer farther from getting one of the platinum trophies that I'm trying hard in getting. The trophie that I'm missing is called "Silver Toungh Devil". I have to complete 50 speech challenge and so far I have 42. At the end of the game you get 2 more meaning that I have to come up with 6 to 8 speech challenges and than I get the trophies that I'm missing for that game. The cool think about Broken Steel is that it allows you to make it to level 30 and it has new weapons and perks.

And on the 26 of this month, it will be my anervesary on I wish that they will give me PSN credit. There are a few great DLC that I've been wanting to get, but with a hard drive full on my PS3, I think I'm going to need the money to get myself a bigger hard drive.

October's pick ups

I know that a while ago, I blogged, letting all of my friends here at know the titles that I will be picking up for the rest of the year. Well, with more titles being confirmed, I made my final picks for the month of October. I must admit, gaming is the only hobby that I have left and its becoming an expesive one. Here are my 3 picks.

1. Uncharted 2

2. Borderland

3. Demon's Soul

The only RPG title that I have to say that I've been playing alot of is Fallout 3, and with only one trophie missing, I'm ready to move on. I compleated DiRT 2 in 5 days, but have not found the time to challenge people online and honestly, nor am I intrested in doing so. And WET was completed in 2 to 3 days. I'm missing alot of trophies for WET, but I wont have a problem getting them. WET is a short game that offers a great deal of replay. Replay value is always a good thing for short, fast paced games (like the NES title Contra). And if you guys haven't noticed 2 of the 3 games that I picked out are RPG. Hopefully I can get or/and find the time to play these titles.